اقبال اور لیوتار کے تصورِ مذہب کا تقابلی مطالعہ
A Comparative Study of Iqbal’s and Lyotard’s Concept of Religion
Religion, Iqbal, Lyotard, Christianity, Islam, Postmodernism, Philosopy.Abstract
Religion is not confined to a single department of human life. It’s a complete code of life. Iqbal believes that religion holds the central place in thoughts and deeds of a man. His works are greatly inspired from the basic sources of Islam. To him the love of the Holy Prophet (SAW) dominates and is reflected from the life of a true Muslim. For Iqbal, religion is a dynamic force, so he is a great critic of monasticism. He refutes the ontological theory of Plato. He considers that it has damaged the progressive thinking of a human mind by leading it to escapism. Christianity has suffered a lot by following the ideas of Plato. Islam is a religion of practical life and guides its followers in every walk of life. Lyotard following the western legacy of Philosophy does not approve any external source of knowledge. However, his works depict the concept of God. He rejects all the metanarratives, including religion. But his later works he reveal that to him the postmodernism and Christianity can make alliance in the end.
Allama Iqbal, Maqalat-e-Iqbal (Lahore: Aaina e Adab), 93.
Allama Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, (Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publication, 2017 AD), 69.
Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Iqbal aur Quran (Idara Saqaft-e-Islamia, 1977 AD), 175.
Nazir Niazi, Syed, Iqbal ke Hazoor Main (Karachi: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 1971 AD), 154.
Allama Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Farsi (Lahore: Skeikh Ghulam Ali & Sons), 124.
Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Farsi, 124.
Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 24.
Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Farsi, 717.
Karamat Hussain Jafri, Syed, Mubadiaat-e-Nafsiaat (Lahore: M.R. Brothers, 1996 AD), 135.
Allama Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Urdu (Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 2006 AD), 687
Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Urdu, 674.
Abu Saeed Nur ul Deen, Islami Tasawwuf aur Iqbal (Lahore: Iqbal Academy, 1977 AD), 243.
Khalifa Abdul Hakeem, Fikr-e-Iqbal (Bazm-e-Iqbal, 2005 AD), 339.
Yusuf Saleem Chishti, Sharah Asrar-e-Khudi (Lahore: Iqbal Academy, 1977 AD), 330.
Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Urdu, 445-556.
Khalifa Abdul Hakeem, Fikr-e-Iqbal, 340.
Khalifa Abdul Hakeem, Fikr-e-Iqbal, 340.
Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Farsi, 32-33.
Khalifa Abdul Hakeem, Fikr-e-Iqbal, 340.
Abu Saeed Nur ul Deen, Islami Tasawwuf aur Iqbal, 249.
Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 123.
Iqbal, Maqalat-e-Iqbal, 178.
Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 132.
Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 7.
Gastavali Ban, Tamaddan-e-Hind (Aagra: Dar Matbaa Shamseen, 1912 AD), 309.
Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 7.
Iqbal, Maqalat-e-Iqbal, 172.
Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 8.
Iqbal, Maqalat-e-Iqbal, 271.
Iqbal, Kulliat-e-Iqbal Urdu, 124.
Jean Francois Lyotard, Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984 AD), 7.
Jean Frncois Lyotard on Differends and Unpresentable Otherness: Can God Escape the Clutches of the Christian Master Narrative" in Culture, Theory and Critique by Lieven Boeve. (Routledge, 2011), 263.
Jean Frncois Lyotard on Differends and Unpresentable Otherness: Can God Escape the Clutches of the Christian Master Narrative" in Culture, 263.
Jean Frncois Lyotard on Differends and Unpresentable Otherness: Can God Escape the Clutches of the Christian Master Narrative" in Culture, 263.
Lieven Boeve, "Lyotard and Theology". (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014), Accessed August 12, 2022. http:// https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/lyotard-and-theology-9780567038746/
Jean Frncois Lyotard on Differends and Unpresentable Otherness: Can God Escape the Clutches of the Christian Master Narrative, 4.
Lieven Boeve, "Lyotard and Theology", 4.
Smith, James K.A., "A Little Story About Metanarratives: Lyotard, Religion, And Postmodernism Revisited," Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers: Vol. 18: Iss. 3, Article 6. (2001) Accessed December, 2021. DOI: 10.5840/faithphil200118333
Smith, James K.A., "A Little Story About Metanarratives: Lyotard, Religion, And Postmodernism, 345.
Lieven Boeve, "Lyotard and Theology", 6.
Lieven Boeve, "Lyotard and Theology", 6.
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