اسلام میں مردو خواتین میں فرق و امتیاز کا مسئلہ:اسلامی اصول و ضوابط کی حکمتوں کا مطالعہ

Issue of Discrimination between Men and Women in Islam: A Study of the Wisdom behind Islamic Principles


  • Hafiza bareera Hameed Doctoral Candidate Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur/ Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Govt. Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur
  • Dr. Abul Hassan Shabbir Ahmad Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University Bahawalpur


Islamic rules, men, women, differences, wisdom


Some people claim that Islam is unjust towards women in giving her half of what men receive. This article exploring the wisdom behind the differences in Islamic principles regarding men and women in inheritance, blood money, legal testimony and headship of the state, concludes that it is impossible to have absolute equality between men and women in what is specific for each of them. Differences in this regard are understandable because men and women are different physiologically and psychologically. What Islam has established for women is that which suits their nature, gives them full security and protects them against disgraceful circumstances.



How to Cite

Hafiza bareera Hameed, and Dr. Abul Hassan Shabbir Ahmad. 2020. “اسلام میں مردو خواتین میں فرق و امتیاز کا مسئلہ:اسلامی اصول و ضوابط کی حکمتوں کا مطالعہ: Issue of Discrimination Between Men and Women in Islam: A Study of the Wisdom Behind Islamic Principles”. Al-Qamar 3 (2):27-36. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/105.


