مسلم معاشرے میں جنسی تربیت کی ضرورت
Need of Sexual Guidance in Muslim Society
Kids, care, puberty, marriage issues, male, female health, pregnancy, motherAbstract
In Muslim Society Islam gives the top priority to training and education of whole society and its every aspect but know a day it is very important to give guidelines about this emerging sin and to take nikah as its substitute so we should show respect to our children and address this issue in proper manner, to make sure the age of children or person should be around its puberty. In the age of puberty certain changes happen in the body that make them confuse so the children of this age need special attention of father and teachers. so, we should enable them to be a useful citizen for our society. It is possible by following the path suggested by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Muslim teachings as well.
Al-Momanon23:7. .
Dr. ’Muhammad Aftab, Adab-e- Mubashrat (Karchi: Adarat Ul Rasheed,1:28.
Tarmzi ‘Abu Esa Muhamad Bin Esa ,Tarmzi (Karachi :Maktaba Darusalam),1457
Aftab, Adab-e- Mubashrat, 51.
Nasir’ayat Ullah, Jawano Kay Jinsi Masael aur Unka Hal:1:3.
Muhammad Bin Esmaeel Al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari (Lahore :Maktaba Daruslam),3:1905
Ahmad Bin Shoab Nisaee (Lahore: Maktaba Darusalam),3:3234
Al-Baqarah 2:233.
Abu Dawud, Sunan Abi Dawud 3:6162
Al-Baqarah 2:222
Abu Dawud, Sunan Abi Dawud 3:2161
Alama Shibli Nuamani, Alfarooq (Karachi: Darul Ishat 19991)1-324
Imam Sayoti, Mujaribat Imam Sayoti(Lahore :Shabir Brothers)1:164.
Mujaribat Imam Sayoti 1:165
Mujaribat Imam Sayoti 1:38
Aftab, Adab-e- Mubashrat,1:68
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