عہدِ سلاطینِ دہلی(1206-1526) کی معروف صوفی خواتین اور ان کی مذہبی خدمات
Famous Sufi Women of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526) and their Religious Services
Subcontinent, Delhi sultan, Sufi women, servicesAbstract
This article studies the famous Sufi Women of Delhi Sultanate and their Religious Services. It explores that with the advent of Islam in the subcontinent, many Sufis came here and spread Islam with their teachings. Their teachings were not only limited to men, but women were also able to receive their education and religious training. It was said that countless women of the subcontinent achieved perfection in the religion of Islam and played an important role in the society. He explained the purpose of Islam and taught them to live their whole life according to the Islamic teachings. Because of this education and training, the women also trained their children religiously. Bibi Zulikha, Bibi Auliya, Bibi Rasti, Bibi Khadija and Bibi Fatima are among such famous religious women. These are the women who, in good bad situation, kept themselves and their families limited to the teachings of Islam. Among them there are some women who were given spiritual strength due to their piety and devotion. This article highlights the services of these spiritual or Sufi women.
Sayyad ‘Abās Riḍvī, A History of Sufism in Inida (New Dehlī: Munshirām Manohalal Publisher, 1978AD), 1: 30.
Ḥasan ‘Āmar Sajzī, Fūād al-Fawāid (Lakhnu: Nawāl Kashūrī, 1984AD), 22.
Abdul Ḥaq Dehlvī, Akhbār al-Akhyār (India: Mutba Mujtba, 1331AH), 295.
Mīr Khurad Kirmānī, Siyar al-Auliyā (India: Muḥab Hind, 1302AH), 112.
Dehlvī, Akhbār al-Akhyār, 297.
Kirmānī, Siyar al-Auliyā, 76.
Sayad Zahīr Ḥusain, The Islamic Path, Sufism, Society and Politics in India (New Dehlī: Rainbow Publisher), 285.
Riḍvī, A History of Sufism in Inida, 1: 408.
K. A Nizāmī, The Life and Times of Shaikh Farīd Uddīn Ganj Shakar (India: Aligarh Muslim University, 1955AD), 15.
Riḍvī, A History of Sufism in Inida, 1: 138, 139.
Shaikh Jamālī, Sayar al-‘Ārfīn (India: Riḍvī, 1311AH), 55.
Dehlvī, Akhbār al-Akhyār, 297.
Nizāmī, The Life and Times of Shaikh Farīd Uddīn Ganj Shakar, 77, 78.
Jamālī, Sayar al-‘Ārfīn, 102.
Reḥmān Afrūzī, Rāh Taṣuwaf Per Chalny Wālī chand Khawātīn (Dehlī: Educational Publishing House, 2021AD), 101.
Afrūzī, Rāh Taṣuwaf Per Chalny Wālī chand Khawātīn, 102.
Dehlvī, Akhbār al-Akhyār, 294.
Faṣīḥ al-Dīn Balkhī, Tazkra Nisān Hind (Patna: Shamsī Press), 9.
Jamālī, Sayar al-‘Ārfīn, 117.
Dehlvī, Akhbār al-Akhyār, 295.
Balkhī, Tazkra Nisān Hind, 8.
Dehlvī, Akhbār al-Akhyār, 295.
Sajzī, Fūād al-Fawāid, 244.
Dehlvī, Akhbār al-Akhyār, 295, 296.
Nizāmī, The Life and Times of Shaikh Farīd Uddīn Ganj Shakar, 47.
Jamālī, Sayar al-‘Ārfīn, 147.
Jamālī, Sayar al-‘Ārfīn, 148.
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