مدارس کا نظام تعلیم: سیرت النبی کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ
Education System of Madāris: A Study in the light of Sira of the Prophet
Madāris, Sira, education systemAbstract
Madāris are the continuation of the Suffah which was established by the teacher of mankind Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ at the Prophet,s ﷺ Mosque for teaching and training of his Companions. The most pivotal and fundamental purpose of establishing the Suffah was to enable his Companions to memorize, and understand the meanings and concepts of the Holy Qur’an under the guidance and companionship of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, as well as observe the personality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in order to learn the manners of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and adopt them in their practical life for character building and finding solution of the questions that arise in their hearts and minds as well as the challenges faced by them in their lives. The teacher of mankind (ﷺ), provided such a curriculum of education to his Ummah which is based on Qur’an and Sunnah and guarantees the character building of mankind for its betterment and welfare. The biography of the Prophet ﷺ is such a comprehensive and perfect model for mankind which provides solution of the problems faced by the mankind in this world as well as the world hereafter. That is why for centuries the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah have such a pivotal and fundamental role that they have been included in the curriculum of the Islamic system of education which was based on the Suffah’s model of education. It is pertinent to mention that in the early era before the bifurcation of religious and contemporary knowledge the Madrasahs not only produced the eminent Methidathions, commentators, and jurists but also produced, law makers, mathematicians, scientists, and imams of logic and philosophy. Hence it is the need of the hour to restructure the curriculum of the current system of education in light the Qur'an and biography of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, so that humanity may get benefit from it. The preceding article is a humble effort to review the system of education of the Madrasahs in the light of Biography of the Holy Prophet.
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