The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic Society: A Case Study of Punjab Pakistan


  • Dr. Asma Islam Assistant Professor of Sociology, Riphah International University (Faisalabad Campus) Punjab, Pakistan
  • Hamna Hassan M.Phil. Research scholar, Riphah International University (Faisalabad Campus) Punjab, Pakistan
  • Masooma Kazam Lecturer in Education, University of Education Lahore, (Faisalabad Campus), Punjab, Pakistan



Offensive women, Islam, Society, Socialization, Parents, Social Exclusion, Offensive behavior, factors, consequences, leisure, poor law and disorder, State, Human Rights, Unemployment


In Muslim societies like Pakistan, crime may be considered female violation goes past human perception females are viewed as the unadulterated and obliging creatures of God; stacked with veneration and bliss.  Every crime in the world includes pain, and negative effects on the world, it is possible that it is carried out by males or females.  This examination contrariwise includes the horrible side of female culpability in the Pakistani society of Punjab Pakistan; especially concentrating on the instances of those females who were sentenced for a homicide that is completely illegal in Islam. The review portrays how outrage develops in honest ladies with Islamic values and strict qualities and no crook foundation which has driven them to submit such merciless killings.


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How to Cite

Dr. Asma Islam, Hamna Hassan, and Masooma Kazam. 2022. “The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic Society: A Case Study of Punjab Pakistan”. Al-Qamar 5 (3):21-32.