جدید عسکری قوت کی غرض سے سائنسی علوم کے حصول کی اسلامی اہمیت

Islamic Importance of acquiring Scientific Knowledge for the Purpose of Modern Military Power


  • Dr. Khalid Rasool Lecturer Islamic Studies, Government Boys Degree College Tando Muhammad Khan
  • Dr. Hafeez Ur Rehman Rajput Lecturer Islamic Studies, Government College University Hyderabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Roshan Siddiqi Associate Professor, Government College University Hyderabad




Horses, Archery, War, Technology, Skills, Training


Allah has subjugated the universe for human beings and has attracted them to reveal the hidden secrets of the universe by using the abilities given by their Creator and Owner. In the present era, the knowledge of science and modern technology has become very important to increase the military power, and the nations that are experts in these sciences are superpowers in the world, and the nations that are behind in these sciences are weak and subdued. One of the reasons for the decline of Muslims in modern times is that they are lagging behind other nations in scientific and technological sciences, due to which they are weak compared to other nations in terms of military strength. This research paper explains the need and importance of acquiring scientific and technological knowledge to increase, strengthen and stabilize the military power among Muslims. It has been concluded from the research that acquiring knowledge of science and technology is the most important, advanced and best worship for Muslims to make the military force strong and stable for their security and to live with freedom, honor and dignity in the world. At the end of the research paper, suggestions have been made that Islam wants to see Muslims exalted in the world, so it is important for Muslims to become the cause of the exaltation of Islam by acquiring expertise in scientific and technological sciences and dominate Islam in the whole world and become exalted yourself.


Al-Imran 3:190.

Al-Jasia 45:13.

Al-Nahal 16:12.

Al-Maidah 5:3.

Al-Anfal 8:60.

Allama Ghulam Rasool Saeedi, Tibiyan-ul-Quran (Lahore: Urdu Bazar, 2005 AD), 4:664.

Imam Muslim, Muslim bin Al Hajjaj Al Qashiri, Saheh Muslim, trans. Professor Muhammad Yahya Sultan Mehmoad Jalal Puri (Dar ul Islam, 2014 AD), Hadith no 4946.

Tirmizi, Muhammad bin Essa, Jamaa Tirmizi (Dar ul Islam), Hadith no 1638.

Imam Muslim, Saheh Muslim, Hadith no 4947.

Al Nisai, Abu Abdhllah Ahmed bin Shoaib bin Ali Al Nisai, Sunnan Nisai, trans. Hafiz Muhammad Ameen (Dar ul Islam,2011AD), Hadith no 3608.

Ibne Maja, Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Yazeed bin Abdullah bin Maja, Sunan Ibne Maja, trans. Al Sheikh Atta ullah Sajid, (Dar ul Islam, 2007AD), Hadith no 2814.

Imam Muslim, Saheh Muslim, Hadith no 4949.

Imam Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail, Saheh Bukhari, trans. Hafiz Abdul Sattar Hammad (Dar ul Islam, 2012 AD) Hadith no 2899.

Ume Imran Shakeela binte Mian Fazal Hussain, Tasheel ul Biyan fi Tafseer ul Quran, trans. Mulana Abdul Rehman Keelani, (Maktaba Qudosiya), 1227.

Ghulam Rasool Saeedi, Tabiyan ul Quran, 4:664-665.

Ghulam Rasool Saeedi, Tabiyan ul Quran, 4:666-667.

Al- Aadiyat 100:1-5.

Al Nisai, Sunnan Nisai, Hadith no 3594.

Tirmizi, Jamaa Tirmizi, Hadith no 1636.

Imam Muslim, Saheh Muslim, Hadith no 4575.

Imam Muslim, Saheh Muslim, Hadith no 4889.

Imam Bukhari, Saheh Bukhari, Hadith no 420.

Imam Bukhari, Saheh Bukhari, Hadith no 2860.

Al Nisai, Sunnan Nisai, Hadith no 3595.

Ghulam Rasool Saeedi, Tabiyan ul Quran, 4:668.

Mian Muhammad Jameel M.A, Tafseer Faham ul Quran, (Lahore: Abu Hurrairah Academy, 2014AD), Tafseer Al Anfal 8: 60.

Abul Rehman bin Nasir Al Saadi, Tafseer Al Saadi (Dar ul Islam, 1947AD), 8: 60.

Al- Nisa 4: 71.

Abul Rehman, Tafseer Al Saadi, Tafseer Al Nisa 4: 71.

Ghulam Rasool Saeedi, Tabiyan ul Quran, 4:666-669.



How to Cite

Dr. Khalid Rasool, Dr. Hafeez Ur Rehman Rajput, and Dr. Muhammad Roshan Siddiqi. 2022. “جدید عسکری قوت کی غرض سے سائنسی علوم کے حصول کی اسلامی اہمیت: Islamic Importance of Acquiring Scientific Knowledge for the Purpose of Modern Military Power”. Al-Qamar 5 (3):117-28. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.05.03.u11.