عدل اجتماعی اور عدالتی نظام کے نقائص: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ
Social Justice and Juducial System's Defects: A Research Study
It is an undeniable fact that Islam is a religion of justice. Undoubtedly, Justice and Islam are not two separate things. With regard to some aspects, the true nature of Islam is justice. The distinguished concepts of religion as presented by the Qur'an and Sunnah are most clearly perceived in the context of justice. Justice is not just the eternal basis of life in Islam, but from every angle of thought, it is prevalent in all walks of life. On the contrary, the study of the Qur'an reveals the fact that the laws of nature and humanity in both the constitutive and the transcendent systems, which holds an eternal position, which belongs to Allah SWT. As if, Justice is the basic human value and universal integrity on which is the whole factory of the world spread from heaven to earth operates but if it is finished, the whole system lf the world would be ruined. The ideology of social justice in Islam is that it is not only limited to the Muslim Ummah. Rather, whether it be a friend or an enemy, a balanced judicial system benefits them. People should establish an ideal justice system for a peaceful and calm society.
Justice Tanzīl al-Rahmān, Majmūʻah Qawānīn-e-Islam (Islamabad: Idārah Tehqīqāt-e-Islāmī, 1976), 835-836.
Dr.Rafīyʻ al-Dīn Hāshmī, Pastī kā Kūī Had se Guzarnā Dekhey: Māhnāmah Tarjumān al-Qurān (March 2010).
Dr. Anīs Ahmad, Insān Sūzī Inteqām yā ʻAdal: Māhnāmah Tarjumān al-Qurān (June 2008).
Al-Sad 38:26.
Muftī Muhammad Shafīʻ, Maʻārif al-Qurān (Karachi: Idārah al-Maʻārīf, 1983), 7:507-508.
Al-Inʻām 6:154.
Imām Abī Abdullāh Muhammad Ibn Ismāʻīl al-Bukhārī, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī (Damascus: Dār Ibn Kasīr, 1990), Ḥadīth no: 4900, 4:769.
Al-Mū’minūn 23:71.
Syed Mawlānā Abū al-Āʻlā Mūwdūdī, Tafhīm al-Qurān (Lahore: Idarāh Tarjumān al-Qurān, 1996), 3:291.
Al-Mojādilah 58:20.
Al-Mā’idah 5:8.
Al-Mā’idah 5:47.
Dr. Anīs, ʻĀlmī Amn-o-Insāf: Islāmī Tanāzur mein, (2005).
Dr. Mahmūd Ahmad Ghāzī, Islām kā Qānūn Bain al-Mumālik (Islamabad: Shariyʻa Academy International Islamic University), 209-210.
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