عربی الاصل انگریزی الفاظ کا تہذیبی مطالعہ
A cultural study of English words having Arabic Origin
Islamic civilization, Western civilization, translation, Arabic origin, list of English words.Abstract
It is a historical truth that in the Middle Ages, Islamic culture and civilization has made its great impact on Europe and Western civilization which can be observed today with open eyes. There was no book related to knowledge or art which was not translated into Latin, Italian, English or other European languages. Regular institutions were established in Europe which aims to translate art and knowledge in European languages. During the translation whenever and wherever translators had not an appropriate word to explain and clarify the scientific and academic concept they borrowed the same Arabic word in their languages. Thousands of Arabic words in English and other European languages witness the fact. Some Arab and English authors have researched and accept that there are thousands of Arabic words in English and other European languages.In this research paper, I elucidate the contribution of Islamic civilization in the development of art and knowledge. As well as I compiled a list of daily used English words having Arabic origin which.
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