مذہب اور سائنسی تعلیم:اسلامی تعلیمات کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ

Religion and Scientific Education: A Study in the Context of Islamic Teachings


  • Saima Umbreen Doctoral Candidate, Department of Islamic Studies, BZU, Multan
  • Dr. Idrees Lodhi Prof. Department of Islamic Studies, BZU, Multan




Religion, Scientific Education, Context, Islamic Teachings


Religion is the other name of faith to which all the responsibilities are related. It is an inevitable power that plays an important role in rectifying our action. Religion is a force to be believed in and by trusting in it. Life is lived according to its order and purpose religion is not the name of particular faith. There are many religion in the world which are different to each other when we dis cuss general concept of religion we should not mix them each other. When we talk about Islam, we should avoid associate many wrong concepts to Islam without research. According to Islam “my prayers, all my act of worship, my living, my dying, all for the Lord of the worlds who has no partner, and this order has been given to me and I am the first to obey Him”. Goodness and badness in food, drink and clothing are under religion and the tendencies are beneficial which grow under religion. Religion has given us the concept of punishment and reward. Science is a method of research by which we start from a known facts and events. Ultimately, we make a faith or hypothesis that some facts are existing. This means is un biased. On other side    Science is research and exploration. This mean of research is flawed and deficient. Achievements in scientific knowledge and disciplines show that no single man can remember the whole knowledge alone, for science education it is necessary to exclude all unnecessary topics and details in it. Science education should aim at prevention of evil and search of virtue. It seems that science or science education has no connection to ethics, Moreover, the religion of Islam is a religion in which the teaching of ethics is also found and it helps in the teaching of science.


Longman, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2009).

Muzaffar Hussain Malik, Bashryāt-e-Mzhab (Islamabad: Muqtadara Qūmī Zubān), 92.

Wahīd al-Dīn Khān, Mzhab aur Jadeed Challenge (Dehlī: Maktaba Risāla), 35.

J. Arthur Thomson, Introduction to Science (New York, Henry Holt and Company), 37.

Al-Raḥmān 55:29.

Al-Anbīā’ 21:30.

Al-Aʻrāf 7:53.

Rāgib Aṣfhānī, Muffaradāt al-Qurān (Lahore: Oslāmī Academy), 1:34.

Al-Qalam 68:4.

Al-Aʻrāf 7:11.

Khalīfa Abd al-Ḥakeem, Islām kā Nazryiah Ḥayāt, 183.

Malik, Bashryāt-e-Mzhab, 41.

Abd al-Ḥakeem, Islām kā Nazryiah Ḥayāt, 148.

Al-Inʻām 6:162-163.

Al-Nisā’ 4:59.

Al-Banī Isrā’īl 17:36.

Al-Najam 53:38-42.

Al-Baqarah 2:213.

Al-Jāthiya 65:12-13.

Al-Raʻd 13:7.

Al-Fātir 35:24.

Syed Muhammad Saleem, Maghribī Falsafa Taʻlīm kā Tanqeedī Muṭālʻa (Lahore: Idara Taḥqīqī Tanzeem, 1981), 66.

Al-Maryam 19:64.

Al-Mā’dah 5:48.

Al-Naḥal 16:36.

Al-Namal 27:69.

Malik, Bashryāt-e-Mzhab, 50.

Abd al-Ḥakeem, Islām kā Nazryiah Ḥayāt, trans. Qutub al-Dīn (Lahore: Idāra Saqāfat-e-Islāmiya, 1998), 99.

Al-ʻImrān 3:83.

Malik, Bashryāt-e-Mzhab (Islamabad: Muqtadara Qūmī Zubān, 2002), 41.

Abd al-Ḥakeem, Islām kā Nazryiah Ḥayāt, 65.

Malik, Bashryāt-e-Mzhab, 48.

Malik, Bashryāt-e-Mzhab, 83.

Malik, Bashryāt-e-Mzhab, 151.

Al-Inʻām 6:3.

Abd al-Ḥakeem, Islām kā Nazryiah Ḥayāt, 62.

Qāzī Qeyṣar al-Islām, Falsafy ky Buniyādī Masā’il (Islamabad: National Book Foundation, 2008), 29.

Abd al-Ḥakeem, Islām kā Nazryiah Ḥayāt, 65.

Mahar Muhammad Saʻeed Akhtar, Taʻleem kī Nazriyātī Asās Islāmī Tnāzur mein (Lahore: Anjuman-e-Fāzleen Idara Taʻleem-o-Taḥqīq), 90.

Waḥeed Qureyshī, Taʻleem ky buniyādī mubāḥis (Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies, 1998), 20.

Al-Yāseen 36:38-40.

Saleem, Maghribī Falsafa Taʻlīm kā Tanqeedī Muṭālʻa, 145.

Saleem Mansoor KHālid, Qūmī Taʻleemī Policy (Islamabad: Istitute of Policy Studies, 2002), 101.

Ḥanīf Nadvī, Asāsiyāt-e-Islām (Lahore: Idāra Saqāfat-e-Islāmiya, 1992), 34.

Saleem, Maghribī Falsafa Taʻlīm kā Tanqeedī Muṭālʻa, 130.

Saleem, Maghribī Falsafa Taʻlīm kā Tanqeedī Muṭālʻa, 129.

Saleem, Maghribī Falsafa Taʻlīm kā Tanqeedī Muṭālʻa, 135.



How to Cite

Saima Umbreen, and Dr. Idrees Lodhi. 2020. “مذہب اور سائنسی تعلیم:اسلامی تعلیمات کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ: Religion and Scientific Education: A Study in the Context of Islamic Teachings”. Al-Qamar 3 (1):573-82. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.03.01.u48.




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