روحانی طریقہ علاج کا آغاز و ارتقا :ایک تعارفی مطالعہ
An Introductory Study of the Origins and Evolution of Spiritual Therapy
Spiritual therapy, origin, evolution, introductory studyAbstract
This research evaluates the brief introduction of spiritual therapy, its effectiveness and archaeologically background. It is fact that religion is one the defensive aspects that facilitates optimistic outcomes and ideal way to release the spiritual and physical diseases that develops a confidence to patent to face illness. Similarly reciting of holy Quran is also beneficial for human being in Muslim society specially meanwhile non-Muslims also have a positive effect on their mental and physical health when they listen holy Quran with different frequencies. It is also important to find spiritual therapist which is expert in diagnoses and treatment of patient and have characteristics expressed in Quran and sunnah. This article explained the definition, background of spirituality and spiritual therapy and therapist with detail of such method of treatment in different way in the light of Islamic teaching.
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