ٹرانس جینڈر بل کی قانونی اور شرعی حیثیت اور مسلمان معاشرے پر اس کے اثرات: ایک علمی وتحقیقی جائزہ
An Academic and Research review of the Legal and Sharīʻah Status of the Transgender Bill and its Impacts on Muslim Society
Transgender Act, Quran and Sunnah, Sharia, Constitution of Pakistan, Family System, Homosexuality, Western CivilizationAbstract
Pakistan is an Islamic democratic country. But unfortunately, at different times, different attempts were made to introduce such laws which have nothing to do with Islam, but are completely against Islam. Transgender Act is also one of such laws. It is very burning issue of the time. There are heated comments and discussions about this bill in our academic and political circles. It is really very important and worth considering issue. This bill is a new and self-made bill against the Constitution of Pakistan, Islamic Teachings and our Eastern Traditions. Its effects on Islamic societies and Muslims are very negative and dangerous. The protection of this law endangers the family system of Muslims as well. It is said that according to this bill, any man or woman can change their gender according to their own will and desire. A girl can make herself fake boy and a boy can make himself fake girl. It also means that a girl can change her old name to a boy's name, while a boy can also change his name to a girl's name. Transgender is a modern term. There is no scope for this term in Islam. Researchers say that this paves the way for homosexuality. Research also shows that the Transgender Bill is an un-Islamic, unconstitutional and non-Sharia law that contradicts the objectives of Sharia. Therefore, in this research paper, a scientific and research review will be doing in the light of Quran and Sunnah and rational arguments regarding the illegitimacy of this bill from different points of view and its fatal and destructive effects on the Muslims Societies will be analyzed.
Dr. Javeria Saʻeed, Transgender hayn kown (Lahore: Mahnāma Afkar-e-Muaalim, 2022), 55-56.
Accessed November 01, 2022
Accessed November 01, 2022
Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018, Chapter 1.
Dr. Muhammad Amin, Transgender Qānoon us ki Haqeeqat aur Sharʻaaī Heysiat (Lahore: Maktaba Al-Burhān, 2002), 34.
Accessed Date November 01, 2022
Javeria Saʻeed, Transgender hayn kown, 55.
Professor Muhammad Mushtāq Ahmad, Transgender Ashkhās key Huqooq ke Taḥaffuz kā Qānoon: Aik Tajziati Mutalia (Islamabad: Majalla Taʻleem-o-Taḥqeeq, 2022), 4:25.
Shujja al-Dīn “Transgender Izam par aik nazar” (Lahore: Majalla Muḥaddis, 2023), 54:38.
Mushtāq Ahmad, Transgender Ashkhās key Huqooq ke Taḥaffuz kā Qānoon, 25.
Shujja al-Dīn “Transgender Izam par aik nazar”, 54:38.
Shujja al-Dīn “Transgender Izam par aik nazar”, 40.
Mushtāq Ahmad, Transgender Ashkhās key Huqooq ke Taḥaffuz kā Qānoon, 25.
Mushtāq Ahmad, Transgender Ashkhās key Huqooq ke Taḥaffuz kā Qānoon, 32-33.
Muhammad Amin, Transgender Qānoon us ki Haqeeqat aur Sharʻaaī Heysiat, 17.
Dr. Hafiz Hamza Madani, “Mukhannas key Sharʻaī Aḥkām aur ḥalia Transgender Protection Act” (Lahore: Majalla Muḥaddis), 5.
Javeria Saʻeed, Transgender hayn kown, 56.
Al-Nisa’ 4:3.
Al-Nisa’ 4:11.
Imām Abū Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ismāʻīl al-Bukhārī, Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, Ḥadīth no: 5885.
Maulāna Muhammad Rafīq Chohdrī, Aasān ʻUsool-e-Fiqh (Lahore: Maktaba Qurāniat, 2006), 23-28.
Muhammad Raziul Islām Nadwī, “Ham Jinsiat Fitrat se Baghāwat”: se Mahi Taḥqeeqāt-e-Islamī (Ali Gharrh, 2014), 33-12.
Mushtāq Ahmad, Transgender Ashkhās key Huqooq ke Taḥaffuz kā Qānoon, 41-42.
Dr. Sa’ima Asma, Kia Teesri Jins Ḥaqeeqat hay?” (Lahore: Majalla Muḥaddis), 36.
Accessed Date: 27 Feb. 2023
Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, “Transgender Act Majria 2018 me Tarāmeem” (Lahore: Mahnama Afkār-e-Muaalim, 46-47.
Accessed Date: 27 Feb. 2023
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