العدول التركيبي والتصويري في قصيدة الخنساء:دراسة تطبيقية

Synthetic and Pictorial Reversal in the Poem Al-Khansa: An Empirical Study


  • Dr. Habib Ullah Khan Assistant Professor Faculty of Arabic International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Mr. Shams Ud Din Ph.D. Researcher Faculty of Arabic International Islamic, University Islamabad
  • Dr. Abdulsaboor Lecturer, Department of Arabic language and literature, university of Sargodha, Sargodha




Similar verbosity, caution, complement, complement, exaggeration, investigation


In this article, the compositional reversal of its types (preposition and delay, dhikr and omission, attention, objection/interjection, delay, complement, and completion) and figurative in its sections (similitude, metaphor, metaphor) are studied in simplicity and detail. The researcher not only referred to the types of synthetic and figurative justice, but also mentioned their rhetorical secrets. Note that the article begins with the biography of the poetess Al-Hansa and then deals with the types of lamentations. Because the poem is in the lamentation of Sakhr, the poet's brother. Then the researcher touched on explaining the difficult words found in the poetry of the poem and wrote the meaning and concept of each line, then he started the analysis to make it easy for the reader, and finally he mentioned the results that the researcher reached during writing the article.


Ibn Rashīq al-Qairwānī, Al-ʻUmdah, 218-219.

Abul Qāhir al-Jurjānī, Dalā’l al-ʻAijāz, 117.

Muhammad Abd al-Muttalib, Al-Bal āgha wa al-ʻUslūbiyyah, 329.

A;-Hujurāt 49:10.

al-Jurjānī, Dalā’l al-ʻAijāz, 150.

Al-Jāhiz, Al-Bayān wa al-Tabyīn, 143.

Ibn al-Athīr, Al-Mathal al-S āir, 2: 3.

Jamāl Hadrab,Al-Inziāh fī Shʻr Salāh Abd al-Salah, 9.

Ibn al-Athīr, Al-Mathal al-S āir, 2:172.

MuhammadMuhammad Abū Mūsā, Qirāt fī al-Adan al-Qad im, 55, 56.

Ibn al-Athīr, Al-Mathal al-S āir, 2: 52.

Al-Dahar 76: 95.

Tāha20: 22.


Al-e-Imrā3: 92.

Ahmad Matlūb, Al-Sūra fī Shʻr al-Akhtal al-Saghīr, 38.

Mūsaā Rabābiah, Qirāʻt al-ʻUslūbiyyah fī Shaʻr al-Jāhilī,105.



How to Cite

Dr. Habib Ullah Khan, Mr. Shams Ud Din, and Dr. Abdulsaboor. 2023. “العدول التركيبي والتصويري في قصيدة الخنساء:دراسة تطبيقية : Synthetic and Pictorial Reversal in the Poem Al-Khansa: An Empirical Study”. Al-Qamar, April, 27-44. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.06.02.a03.


