اُردو کی یک کتابی طویل نظموں کا اسلامی دروبست

An Islamic collection of one-book long poems in Urdu


  • Dr. Abid Khurshid Assistant Prof. Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan
  • Dr. Muhammad Said Ali Lecturer, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan
  • Shazma Zahra Lecturer, Govt. Associate College for girls Choti Zareen, D.G Khan




long poems, Six dimensions, Islamic Collection


Presentation of Islamic concepts, glorious history and the current prospect of the Muslim Ummaah have had been the favorite subject of our Urdu poets. Such content has been presented in various forms and genres but it was specially elaborated in the long poems. Long poem has special features and distinctions. In this article such long poems have been discussed that are compiled in a book and one volume shape. Here are some long poems that have been introduced and discussed in details i.e., wrote long poems with Islamic historical back ground.


Mowlānā Alṭāf Hussain Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī (Lahore: Tāj Company ltd, n.d), 11.

Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī, 15.

Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī, 26.

Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī, 52.

Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī, 47.

Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī, 47.

Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī, 50.

Ḥālī, Musaddas-e-Ḥālī, 32.

ʻAlī Ahmed Fāṭimī, Ḥālī kī Manwiyāt; Musaddas-e-Ḥālī kā Tārīkhī Pas-e-manzar, 1871-1982, Matboa Ghālib Nama, Alṭāf Hussain Haali number, (New Delhi: Ghālib Institute, July 2002), 355-356.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor (Bhūpāl: Nawrang Kitāb ghar, 2003), 11.

Prof. Tāhir Mahmood, Pesh Lafz Mashmūla: Khānwada-e-Noor (Bhūpāl: Nawrang Kitāb ghar, 2003), 8.

Tāhir Mahmood, Pesh Lafz Mashmūla: Khānwada-e-Noor, 8.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 27-28.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 70.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 93.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 107.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 113.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 116-117.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 134.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 146.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 147.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 165.

Riffat Sarosh, Khānwada-e-Noor, 192.

Musharraf Hussain Anjum, Jamāl-e-Gumbad-e-Khazra (Sargodha: Farūgh-e-Hamd-o-Naat Council, 2019), 67.

Ḥafeez Tā’ib, As’salām ay Meḥwar-e-Aqleem-e-Jān (Abd al-Ḥaq Naat Foundation, 2014), 5.

Suroor Ambalvī, As’salām ay Meḥwar-e-Aqleem-e-Jān, 92.

Prof. Dr. Shaikh Muhammad Iqbāl, Jamāl-e-Gumbad-e-Khazra (Sargodha: Farūgh-e-Hamd-o-Naat Council, 2019), 122.

Hussain Anjum, Jamāl-e-Gumbad-e-Khazra, 122.

Hussain Anjum, Jamāl-e-Gumbad-e-Khazra, 102.

Hussain Anjum, Jamāl-e-Gumbad-e-Khazra, 112.



How to Cite

Dr. Abid Khurshid, Dr. Muhammad Said Ali, and Shazma Zahra. 2023. “اُردو کی یک کتابی طویل نظموں کا اسلامی دروبست: An Islamic Collection of One-Book Long Poems in Urdu”. Al-Qamar, June, 287-300. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.06.02.u22.


