خنثی : تعارف اورشرعی احکام کا مطالعہ
Eunuchs: Introduction and a Study of Sharīʻah Rules
Creation, Shariah rules, inheritance, defects, sexualityAbstract
As Allah Almighty guides us in the Quran, "Allah created every animal from water. Some of them move on their bellies, some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. Allah creates whatever He wills." In the same sequence of synthesis, a medical and cultural reality manifests itself, indicating that apart from the two distinct categories of human beings, there is another category that appears to be a complete human but is considered an imperfect man or woman. Instead, it is a human who falls somewhere between the two categories and is known by various names such as Khusras, Eunuchs, Hijras, Ladyboys, Gays, and the Third Gender. They are the creation of nature's dream of achieving human dignity throughout their lives, but they face severe identity crises. They are seen with hatred and ridicule by society and are a much-maligned class. Even in the present era, society has marginalized them, calling them a nation and a creation and excluding them from society, making them perpetrators of obscenity and immorality. In the present era, the world is leaning towards a city-state. The voice is being raised with regard to human rights. Many aspects of Islamic society are being awakened. It is being felt that in view of today's demands, a thorough review of the rights and obligations of humans as well as the rights and obligations of eunuchs should be carried out in the light of Islamic teachings so that Islamic society can be reformed and eunuchs can also become useful individuals in society's welfare and prosperity.
Zain ul-Ābidīn Ibn-e-Nujaim, Al-Baḥr al-Rāiq Sharaḥ Kanaz al-Daqāieq (Queta: Maktba Rashīdiya), 8: 472.
Ibn-e-‘Ābidīn al-Shāmī, Rad al-Muḥtār Alā al-Durar al-Mukhtār( Beirūt: Dār Aḥyā al-Turāth al-‘Arbī), 5: 464.
Ibn-e-Nujaim, Al-Baḥr al-Rāiq Sharaḥ Kanaz al-Daqāieq, 8: 472.
Alāo al-Dīn al-Ḥaṣkafī, Al-Durar al-Mukhtār ‘Al Hāmish Rad al-Mukhtār (Beirut: Dār Aḥyā al-Turāth al-‘Arbī), 5: 464.
Al-Bukhārī, Al-Jām‘e al-Ṣaḥīḥ, 2: 619.
Muhammad Ibn Ṣālḥ al-‘Athīmīn, Al-Sharah al-Mumta‘e, 12: 211.
Ibn Ṣālḥ al-‘Athīmīn, Al-Sharah al-Mumta‘e,12: 211.
al-Shāmī, Rad al-Muḥtār Alā al-Durar al-Mukhtār, 3: 183, 184.
Al-Bukhārī, Al-Jām‘e al-Ṣaḥīḥ, 2: 874.
al-Shāmī, Rad al-Muḥtār Alā al-Durar al-Mukhtār, 5: 465.
al-Shāmī, Rad al-Muḥtār Alā al-Durar al-Mukhtār, 5: 465.
Al-Hadāya Akhīrīn, 4: 702.
Ashraf al-Hadāya, 16: 281.
Ashraf al-Hadāya, 16: 279.
Al-Mosū‘ah al-Faqhīyah (Wzārat al-Aoqāf Wa Sh’ūn al-Islāmiyah, 20: 25.
Ibn-e-Nujaim, Al-Ishbāh wa Nẓāir Ma Sharḥe ‘Aūn al-Baṣāir (Karachi: Idārah al-Quran wa al-Ūlūm), 2: 167.
Allāma Hamām, Fatāwā Hindiya (Karachi: Dār al-Ishā‘at), 2: 167.
Ibn-e-Nujaim, Al-Ishbāh wa Nẓāir Ma Sharḥe ‘Aūn al-Baṣāir, 2: 167.
Fath al-Qadīr, 9: 442.
Dr. Wahba Zuhailī, Al-Fiqah al-Islāmī wa Idalat(Beirūt: Dār al-Fikar), 2: 567.
Muftī Taqī Uthmānī, Islam aur Siyāsat Ḥādhira (Karachi: Maktba Dār al-Ulūm), 8.
Ibn-e-Nujaim, Al-Ishbāh wa Nẓāir Ma Sharḥe ‘Aūn al-Baṣāir, 2: 127.
Fatāwā Hindiya, 2: 419, 420.
Fatah al-Qadīr, 9: 440, 441.
Imām Qudūrī, Mukhtṣar al-Qūdūrī, 2: 368.
Al-Mosū‘a al-Fiqhiya, 20: 28.
Imām Kharqī, Al-Mughnaī, 7: 319.
Ibn-e-Nujaim, Al-Ishbāh wa Nẓāir Ma Sharḥe ‘Aūn al-Baṣāir, 2: 166.
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