"الموافقات فی اصول الشریعہ": منہج اور خصوصیات
“Al-Mūwāfaqāt fī Usūl al-Shariʻah”: Methodology and Characteristics
Imām Abū Isḥāq al-Shātibī, Shariʻah, Usūl al-Fiqh, al-Muwāfaqāt adaptability, practical application, Reconciliation, Contextual analysis, Integration, Jurisprudential reasoning, Islamic jurisprudenceAbstract
Imām Abū Isḥāq al-Shaātibī, an Andalusian Sunni scholar of the Mālikī school, was a foundational figure in Usūl al-Fiqh (methodology of law). He passed away in 1388 (790 H) in Granada, Spain. Also known as Ibrāḥīm Ibn Mūsa Ibn Muhammad al-Shātibī al-Gharnāṭī. His works are essential readings in Usūl al-fiqh. For those engaged in ijtihād. “Al-Muwāfqāt fī Ūsūl al-Shariʼa” is a renowned work by Imām Shātibī that focuses on the principles of Islamic jurisprudence and their application to contemporary challenges, while addressing new issues that arise with changing times. In this context, Imām Shātibī employs innovative terminology to enhance the understanding of religious concepts, highlighting the significance of the objectives of Sharia and their adaptability through modern reforms.
The book encompasses various dimensions of Islamic jurisprudence. Key points discussed in “Al-Muwāfqāt” include the exposition of hidden intricacies within the Hanafī school of thought, articulation of principles of legal objectives in the finest manner. The author emphasizes three central elements: discovering the true intent of legal rulings, ensuring practical application of these rulings, and considering the objectives behind them.
Imām Shātibī introduces the concept of “Tawfiq Zahirī” as a way to reconcile differences among jurists with elegance. The author categorizes objectives into two types: objectives derived from the divine law and objectives related to human responsibilities.
A prominent feature of “al-Muwāfaqāt” is its extensive utilization of Arabic language and contextual analysis of events. Imām Shātibī's meticulous examination of legal objectives, derivation of principles, and embrace of juristic guidelines is deemed crucial for achieving a comprehensive understanding of the objectives of Shāriʻa.
Al-Zariyāt 51: 56.
Al-Māʼida 5: 3.
Al-ʻImrān3: 85.
Abū Abdullah Shams al-dīn Ālḏhby, Siyār Āʻlam al-Nubālā, (Beirūt: Mus’sat ālrsālah, ed. 3, 1405 A.H/1985), 9: 120; Ibn 'Ābdulbrr, Al-Intiqā fī Fādāil āl-Ālāimmātā āl-Ṯulāṯā Āl-Fuqāḥā (Beirut: Dār āl-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 121); Ibn Farhun al-Maliki, al-dibaj al-mudhhab fi mma’rifat a’yan al-madhhab (Beirut: Dar al-Turath), p. 146; Ālqāḍy Ayāḍ bin Musa Ibn Ayāḍ, Tartīb āl-madārk wa Taqryb ālmsālak limarifah A'lām Maḏhab Mālk, (Almumlikah Al-Gharbiya: Wizarah al-Auqaf wa Shu’on al-Islamiyah, ed. 2, 1403A.H/1983), 3: 244; Ālkẖzrǧy, Āḥmed bin Abdullah bin Āby Ālkẖyr bin Abdul Aleem Ālānṣāry Ālsāʿdy Ālymny, Safi ud din (Kẖlāṣah Tehḏyb Ālkmāl fy Asmā ālrǧāl, (Halab: Dār ālšhu’air, ed. 5, 1416A.H), p. 233.
Syr A'lām ālnblā lil Ālḏhby, 6: 390; Ālāntqā lil Abdul bar, 121; Kẖlāṣah thḏyb ālkmāl lil Ālkẖzrǧy, p. 402; Ālḏhby, Šhmas āldyn Ābu Abdullah Muḥammad bin Āḥmed bin Uthṯmān Ibn Qāymāz, Manāqab al-Imām abī Ḥanifah wa ṣāḥib, (Hyderabad Deccan, Alhind, Lijanna Ehya Al-Muaraf Al-numaniya, ed. 3, 1408A.H), 1: 51; Ālhyṯmy, Šhahāb Āldyn Āḥmed bin ḥiǧr, Ālẖyrāt ālḥsān fy manāqb ālāmām ālāẓam āby ḥaniyfa al-Numān, al-Jawāhr al-Maḍiya fi ṭbqāt al-Ḥanafiyah (Dār Hǧr: Maktabah Tušhstrbyty, 1413A.H/ 1993), 1: 49.
Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm Ibn Musa Ibn Muhammad al-Shāṭibī, , Al-Muwāfaqāt (Al-Saudia: Dār Ibn Affan), 1: 43.
Muḥammad Rashīd Raḍā, Tafsīr al-Mīnār (Cairo: Dār al-Manār, 1947), 6: 57.
Al-Shāṭibī, Al-Muwāfaqāt, 1: 17-18.
Al-Shāṭibī, Al-Muwāfaqāt, 1: 9.
Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad Ibn ʻAlī Ibn Abdulwāḥīd, Barnāmaj al-majārī (Beirut: Dār al-Alghārb al-Islamī, ed. 1, 1400A.H./1982), p.118; Kẖyr Āl-dīn bin Mehmūd IbnMuhammad al-Zārklī al-Damishqī, al-aʿlām (Cairo, 1387A.H. ed. 2,), 1: 75; Kaḥālah, Umer Ibn Raḍā Ibn Muhammad Rāġib Ibn Abdālġny al-Damisqī, Muʿjam Ālmu’lfyn (Beirut: Dār Ālthurāṯ Ālarby, 1376A.H.), 1: 118; Ālbġdādy, Ismāʿyl bin Muhammad Āmyn Ibn Myr Salym al-bāhāny, Āyḍāḥ al-Maknun fI alp-ḏyl Ala kašhf al-ẓunun (Beirut: Dar ul Fikar, 1410A.H/ 1990), 2: 127.
Ahmad Bābā Ibn Ahmad al-Faqeyh al-hāj Ahmad Ibn Umar Ibn Muhammad al-Takrūrī, NĪl al-Ibtihāj BīTatīrīẓ al-Dībāj (Tarablus: Dār al-Kātib, 2000), 48.
al-Takrūrī, NĪl al-Ibtihāj BīTatīrīẓ al-Dībāj, 48.
Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Qāsim Makẖluf, Shujrah al-Nūr al-Zakiyah fī Tabqāt al-mālikiyya (Beirut: Dār al-Kūtab al-ilmiyah, 2003), 231.
Al-Shāṭibī, Al-Muwāfaqāt, 46.
Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Maqqārī al-Hafīd, Nafḥ al-ṭīb min Husn al-Andalus al-Raṭīb (Beirut: Dar Sader, 1968), 5: 21.
Al-Shāṭibī, Fatāwā Imām Shāṭibī, 48.
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