Belief in the Hereafter and Iqbal’s Concept of Eternity: An Analytical Study


  • Dr. Hafiz Arshid Iqbal Lecturer, Govt. KRS College, Walton, Lahore
  • Muhammad Jawad Abrar Department of ELT & L, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu Encyclopedia of Islam, Allama Iqbal Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore



Belief, Hereafter, Holy Quran, Islamic Theology, Believing in God, Philosophers


Belief in the Hereafter is one of the six pillars of Islamic belief required of a Muslim in order to complete his faith.  Although the general conception of life after death and the Hereafter is found in all Divine Religions, the emphasis given in Islam is unique. A glance at the Holy Quran provides the idea that believing in the Hereafter is the most important issue in Islam after believing in God. The topic has covered nearly one third of the Holy Quran with more than 1200 Ayaats. It is almost impossible to find a page in the Quran in which the issue of the Hereafter is not mentioned. Believing in God and the Hereafter are coupled in the Quran approximately 30 times. Therefore, in Islamic Theology, believing in God and the Hereafter are considered the border between atheism and religious belief. Believing in the Hereafter in Islam means the soul and the body of the dead will rise on the Day of Resurrection to be judged. Righteous people will be rewarded with eternal blessings in Paradise while the sinful and disbelievers will suffer in Hell, in following, arguments about hereafter along with Iqbal’s, critique on philosophers and concept of eternity would be discussed.


Abū al-ʻAlā Mawdūdī,, Tafheem-ul-Quran (Lahore: Idāra Tarjamān-ul-Quran, 2011), 1:52.

Al-Baqarah 2:4.

Pīr Muhammad Karam Shāh al-Azharī, Ziā-ul-Quran Lahore: Ziā-ul-Quran Publications, 2011), I: 32.

Al-Naḥl 16:65,

Al-Zumar 39 : 42.

Al-Qalam 68:35.

Al-ʻArāf, 7 : 20

Al-ʻArāf, 7 : 29

Al-Balad, 90 : 7

Al-Qalam 68:3-4.

Luqmā 31:28.

Al-Nāziʻāt 79:27.

Allāma Muhammad Iqbāl, Kulliāt-e-Iqbāl Urdu (Bāl-e-Jibreel) (Lahore: Iqbal Academy, 2018), 364.

Khurseed Ahmad, Islamī Nazria-e-Hayāt, (Karachi: Karachi University, 2002): 295-296.

Dr. Naeem Ahmad, Iqbāl kā Tasawur-e-Baqā-e-Dawām (Lahore: Iqbāl Academy, 2016), 114

Naeem Ahmad, Iqbāl kā Tasawur-e-Baqā-e-Dawām, 116.

Ibid, p.120

Allāma Mūhammad Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Lahore: Iqbal Academy, 2019), 92.

Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 92.

Al-Moʻminūn 23:99.

Maryam 19:93.

Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 92.

Al-Qiyāma 76: 36.

Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 95-96.

Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 95-96.

Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 96.

Iqbāl, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 96.

Al-An‘am, 6 : 128

Altaf Ahamad ʻAzmi, Khutbāt-e-Iqbāl: Aik Mutalaʻa (Lahore: Muktaba Qasim-ul-Aloom, n.d), 174.

ʻAzmi, Khutbāt-e-Iqbāl: Aik Mutalaʻa, 175-176

ʻAzmi, Khutbāt-e-Iqbāl: Aik Mutalaʻa ,177.

Muhammad Sohail Umar, Khutbāt-e-Iqbāl: Nay Tanāzur main (Lahore: Iqbāl Academy Pakistan, 2018), 110.



How to Cite

Dr. Hafiz Arshid Iqbal, Muhammad Jawad Abrar, and Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan. 2023. “Belief in the Hereafter and Iqbal’s Concept of Eternity: An Analytical Study”. Al-Qamar, November, 1-18.