"رواج نامۂ سوات" میں موجود مویشیوں کی زکوۃ کے متعلق والئی سوات کے قوانین کا شرعی و تحقیقی جائزہ
The Legal Verdicts of Wālī Swat Regarding Tax Collection in Animals: An Analysis from the Perspective of Islamic Law
Wālī Swat, Zakāt, Legal Verdicts, Islamic Law, Financial Obligation, Hukam Namā, Sharī’ah, fuqahāAbstract
Zakāt is a financial liability imposed by Sharī’ah (Islamic law) on believers. The legality of such obligation, of course, is derived from several verses of the Holy Qurān and Ḥadīth of the Holy Prophet (SM). Such obligation, in terms of its substance, can be divided, mainly, in currencies and animals. The latter kind, being a complex one, has been elaborated by Islamic law with minute details. Additionally, head of the state has the responsibility to make necessary arrangements for the management of such financial obligation- ranging from the collection to the division. Wālī Swat (a famous ruler of Swat), being a head of the Swat State, fulfilled this responsibility in the best possible way. At his time, a very unique system was introduced for the collection of Zakāt (from those individual having Nisāb for the same). The contemporary Sharī’ah scholars have a difference of opinion whether such mechanism, introduced for the collection of Zakat, was entirely based on Sharī’ah or not. The present work, following this question, aims to find out the best possible answer to it. While doing so, all verdicts, related to the issue under consideration, have been analyzed for the perspective of Islamic law. The work of the classical Muslim jurists (fuqahā) has been citied extensively; while analyzing a verdict. The Hanfī school of thought, however, has been offered more comparatively to other school of thought- owing to the fact that the legal system, prevailing in the regime of Wālī Swat, was, predominantly, based on the principles of the same school. Further, content analysis technique, a kind of qualitative research has been adopted for the investigation of the issue.
Surat al-Nahl, 16:89
Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, Tafseer Usmani (Karachi: Dar-ul-Isha'at) ,2 : 351
Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi, Lectures of Shariat, (Lahore: Al-Faisal Publishers and Tajran Books, Publication: I, 2009), 287
Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Muhammad al-Mawardi, Al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyyah (Cairo: Dar al-Hadith, al-Tababat: n, Sunnah: 2006), 1:344
Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj al-Qashiri, Sahih Muslim, (Beirut: Dar Ahyaya Al-Tarath al-Arabi), 3: 1469, Hadith No: 1839
Muhammad Taqi Osmani, Takmulah Fatehul Mulham,3:363
Ghulam Habib Khan, Customs of Swat, (Mungora: Shoaib Sons, July:2021), 321
Surah Al-Tawbah, 09: 60
Abu Yusuf Ibrahim bin Yaqoob bin Ibrahim, Kitab al-Kharaj, (Beirut: Dar al-Marafah Wal-Nashr, 1399 AH-1979 AD),124
Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari, (Beirut: Dar Tawq al-Najat, 1422 AH), 2: 119, Hadith No: 1428.
Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari, 2:118, Hadith No: 1455
Qazi Khan Hasan bin Mansoor, Fatwa Qazi Khan, (Muktab Ashrafiya: Quetta),1:219
Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar Ibn Abidin, Rad al-Muhthar, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1412 AH = 1992 AD),4:61
Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Farhoun, Tabsrat al-Hakam, (Islamic Affairs Office: Qatar, 1437 AH - 2016), 3:353
Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn al-Qayyim, al-Tturuq al-Hikmiyyah fi al-Siyasat al-Shari’ah, (Dar ’ilm al-Fawadi: Beirut), 1:279.
Abu Dawud Sulaiman bin Ash'ath, Sunan Abi Dawud,(Dar al-Rasalat al-Alamiya, Beirut,1430 AH-2009),2:96, Hadith No: 1567
Qazi Khan Hasan Bin Mansoor, Fatawa Qazi Khan,1:221
Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar Ibn Abidin, Rid al-Muhthar, 9:136
Qazi Khan Hasan Bin Mansoor, Fatawi Qazi Khan,2:236
Qazi Khan Hasan Bin Mansoor, Fatawi Qazi Khan,1:236
Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar Ibn Abidin, Rid al-Muhtar, 3:207
Muhammad Bin Ismail Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Bukhari,: 2, Page: 118, Hadith No: 1454
Qazi Khan Hasan Bin Mansoor, Fatawa Qazi Khan, vol.1, p.217
Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, 3:243
Nafs Masdar, vol.3, p.243
Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar,3:253
Qazi Khan Hasan bin Mansoor, Fatawa Qazi Khan,1:219
Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar,3:251 [
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