عہدمکی کے معجزات نبوی کے دعوتی و تبلیغی مضمرات کا مطالعہ

A Study of the Missionary Implications of Prophetic Miracles of Meccan age


  • Noor Zaman PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, GCU Faisalabad
  • Dr. Sher Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, GCU Faisalabad


Miracles, Meccan age, Missionary implications


Allah Almighty bestowed Prophet Muhammad with number of miracles. These miracles have many facets and implications. One of them is daʻwah and preaching. This article discusses this side of Prophetic miracles. It explores that perseverance and sincerity are the basic requirement and need for preaching and daʻwah. Allah Almighty helps His servants from the unseen, just as He helped the Holy Prophet on different occasions. In spite of many unfavorable circumstances, Prophet’s perseverance and trust in Allah made him successful. There are number of preaching implications of the Meccan age miracles. Those involved in daʻwah and preaching should seek guidance from these miracles and pave the way for the success of their mission.



How to Cite

Noor Zaman, and Dr. Sher Ali. 2019. “عہدمکی کے معجزات نبوی کے دعوتی و تبلیغی مضمرات کا مطالعہ: A Study of the Missionary Implications of Prophetic Miracles of Meccan Age”. Al-Qamar 2 (1):81-88. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/193.


