مزدور کے حقوق: شریعتِ اسلامی اور آئین وقوانینِ پاکستان کا مطالعہ

Labour Rights: A Study of Islamic Sharīʻah and the Constitution and Laws of Pakistan


  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Khan Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Mohi-ud-din Islmaic University, Nerian Sharif, AJK
  • Sanam Mushtaq Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Mohi-ud-din Islmaic University, Nerian Sharif, AJK


Labour, Islamic Law, Pakistan


Labours, ironically, have been depriving badly from their rights even by the developed countries. Owing this situation various laws, rules and regulations about labours are added to the legal spectrum of various countries. Pakistan, also has taken steps in this regard. Islamic Sharīʻah unlike the conventional system has envisaged labours’ rights from the very beginning. Quran, adīth and Fuqahā have discussed labours’ rights with minute details. The present paper, aims to critically analyze and compare the labours’ rights in Pakistan with those offered by Sharīʻah. Findings show that majority of such rights given by Sharīʻah to the labours, are inculcated in the legal system of Pakistan. However, still there is room for further upgrading. So the present work suggests improvements in this regard.



How to Cite

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Khan, and Sanam Mushtaq. 2019. “ مزدور کے حقوق: شریعتِ اسلامی اور آئین وقوانینِ پاکستان کا مطالعہ: Labour Rights: A Study of Islamic Sharīʻah and the Constitution and Laws of Pakistan”. Al-Qamar 2 (1):143-54. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/300.


