دعوت ِدین کی معنویت و افادیت: اردو تفسیری ادب کا مطالعہ

Usefulness of Da'wah: A Study of Urdu Commentaries of the Quran





Quran, dawah, Principle, Urdu Tafsir


Da'wah includes everything that is meant to promote and spread goodness. The principles of Da'wah are the words of Qur'an and Hadith. Therefore, the spreading the message of Qur'an and Hadith is also Da'wah. This article gives the details with examples which have the status of the best guidance in view of the requirements of every age. Appreciating the virtues in the religion increases the prestige of the religion of Islam that it is the religion that makes our world good. And of course, it will bring the best success in the hereafter as well. The da'wah of religion shows beauty in the systems of life due to which human society looks beautiful and popular and the peace and stability of the society is prominent. There are treasures of details commentaries of the Quran which this paper explores.           


Al-Tawbah 9:33

,Abu Al‘Aalā Maodūdi, Tafheem al-Qur’ān (Lahore: Idara Tarjuman al-Qur’an, 2011), 2:190.


Muhammad Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Biyan al-Qur’ān (Lahore: Maktaba Rahmania,1953),1:448

Abd Al-Hameed Sawati, Maalim al-Irfan Fee Darūs al-Qur’an, 4:77.

Al-Imrān 3:19.

Abu Al-Kalam Aazad,Umm Al-Kitab,:296

,Abu Al-Kalam Aazād, Tajuman Al-Qur’an (Lahore: Islami Academy,2013),1:357.

Al-‘Aarāf 7:96.

Muhammad Shafi, Ma‘ārif al-Qur’ān (Karachi: Idara al-Ma‘ārif,2008),4:15.

Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, Mooze al-Furqān Maroof Beh Tafseer-i- Usmani (Karachi: Maktab al-Bushra,2009),1:341.

Al-Room 30:21.

Maodūdi, Tafheem al-Qur’ān, 3:745

Al-Taghābun 64:9.

Al-Baqarah 2:177.

Islāhī, Tadabbur-e-Qur’ān,1:422.

Al-Zariyāt 51:56.

Islāhī, Tadabbur- e-Qur’ān,7:632

Al-Baqarah 2:208

Abd-Al-Rahman, Taiseer al-Qur’ān (Lahore: Maktaba Al-Salam,2010),1:159

Abd Al-Majid Daryā Bādi, Tafseer-e-Majidi, 1:391, Abd Al-Hameed Sawati Ma‘alim al-Irfan Fee Daroos al-Qur’ān, 3:292-293.

Waheed al-Din Khan, Tazkeer Al-Qur’ān,: 86.

Al-Baqarah 2:179.

Maodūdi, Tafheem al-Qur’ān, 1:139-140.

ا Al-Isrā 17:70.

Abd-Al-Rahman Kilani, Taiseer al-Qur’ān, 2:597

Al-‘Aarāf 7:179.

Maryam 19:97.

Islāhī, Tadabbur- e-Qur’an,4:689.

Al-Anfaal 8:63.

Al-Nisa 4:36.

Aazad, Tajumān al-Qur’ān,1:412

Al-Baqarah 2:261.

Muhammad Karam Sha, Ziā al-Qur’an,1:184.

Al-Baqarah 2:256.

Abd-Al-Haq Haqqani, Fath al-Mannan (Lahore: Al-Faisal,2009),3:100.

Al-Mā’ida 5:2.

Bukhari, Al-Jam‘ Al-Saḥīḥ, Hadith No:6952.

Usmani, Tafseer-i-Usmani,1:216.

Al-Baqarh 2:201.

Islāhī, Tadabbur- e-Qur’ān,7:101.



How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Aleem, and Dr. Asjad Ali. 2021. “دعوت ِدین کی معنویت و افادیت: اردو تفسیری ادب کا مطالعہ: Usefulness of Da’wah: A Study of Urdu Commentaries of the Quran”. Al-Qamar 4 (1):227-40. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.04.01.u22.


