أثر الحديث النبوي في شعر "محمود الوراق"
Contemplation of Prophetic Hadīth in the Poetry of “Mahmood al-Warraq”
Arabic Poetry, Contemplation, Prophetic, Ahādīth, Mahmoood al-WarrāqAbstract
Mahmood Ibn al-Hasan al-Warrāq is a poet of wisdom and preacher in the Abbsid Era but there is no material about his birthday in antiquity. He was born in Kufa and raised in Baghdad. He was known by the name of al al-Warrāq because he was fee burner and it was a career for him. He was called an Nakhas (Slaver) too. Imam al-Baghdadi said about this: it is said that he was selling slave. The poet al-Warrāq died in the year 230 of the expatriation of the Abbasid caliph al-Mu’tasim al-Warrāq’s poems have been promoted in Arabic literature. At the beginning of his poems, he took luck from fun and messing around. But he withheld himself from and atoned for that with a sincere heart to almighty Allah and his poetry turned in to asceticism, tenderness, counsel and wisdom. This study aims to highlight his poetical imagination with the contemplation of Prophetic Ahādīth in a particular way that will open a new research ground of this field.
Al-Baqarah 1:43.
Mahmood al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq (Ajman: Muassisat al-Funūn, 1412 AH),68.
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad (Lahore: Maktba Rahmāniyah, n. d), 1:1537.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq, 88.
Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, Sahīh Muslim (Beirūt: Dār al-Fikr 1424 AH),3:2921.
Al-Jāhiz Abu Usman Amar Ibn Bahar, Al-Hayawan (Cairo: Dār Al-Maārif 1938 Ad), 1:85.
Khair Al-Din Al-Zirikilī, Al-A’laām (Beirūt: Dar Al-Ilm 1423 AD),7:167.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,108.
Dr. Shouqi Daif, Tari’kh Al-Adab Al-Arabi (Cairo: Dar Al-Maarif), 3:409.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,66.
Al-Khatīb al-Tabrazī, Mishkāt (Al-Maktab Al-Islami 1399 AH),4:1206.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,68.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,1:1537.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,68.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,69.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,1:45.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,72.
Al-Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal,Musnad Imam Ahmad,9:2769.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,72.
Mālik Ibn Anas, Al-Mutta (Beirut: Dar Ihya Al-Turās Al-Arabi 1997 AD),1:746.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,74.
Ahmad Ibn Shoaib Nasā̒ī, Sunan al-Nisā̒ī(Halab: Maktab al-Matboa’t al-Islamiyyah 1984 AD),3;1399.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq 82.
Muhammad Ibn Ismael al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari (Damascus: Dar Ibn E Kasi’r 1423 AH),2:1292.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,88.
Muslim Sahīh Muslim,3:2921.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,89.
Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj,Saheh Muslim,1:2405.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,91.
Muhammad Ibn E’sa al-Tirmadī, Al-Jām̒ (Beirut: Dar Ihya Al-Turas Al-Arabi),1:1576.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,92.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,4:780.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,107.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,3:1547.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,106.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,3:1511.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,106.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 4:451.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,108.
Al-Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal,Musnad Imam Ahmad,4:419.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,110.
Al-Bukahri,Saheh Al-Bukhari,3:1181.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,112.
Al-Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal,Musnad Imam Ahmad,4:1097.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,112.
Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj,Saheh Muslim,1:2419.
Mahmo’d Al-Warraq,Diwan Mahmood Al-Warraq,114.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,3:319.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,114.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,4:419.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,166.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,4:1590.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,117.
Al-Tirmazi, Jām̒ Al-Tirmadhī,2:357.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,118.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,9:1521.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,121.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,7:302.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,123.
Abū Dāwūd, Sunan Abe Dāwūd (Lahore: Islami Academy 1983 AD),3:1666.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,123.
Al-Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal,Musnad Imam Ahmad,7:1158.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,124.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,9:1874.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq 125.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,2:1224.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,126.
Ibn E’sa al-Tirmadhī,Jāme` al-Tirmadhī,2:313.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,128.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,1:83.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,131.
Al-Bukahri,Sahīh al-Bukhari,2:1817.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,131.
Al-Nasā̒, Sunan al-Nisā’,2:1554.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,131.
Abū Dāwūd, ,Sunan Abī Dāwūd,1:26.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,133.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 45.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,133.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,3:1089.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq 137.
Abū dāwūd, Sunan Abī Dāwūd,1:694.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,138.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,4:419.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,141.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,2:2343.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,141.
Ibn Esaā Al-Tirmadhi, Jame` al-Tirmazdhī1:2092.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,141.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,2;1983.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,143.
-Bukahri, Sahīh al-Bukhari,3:1263.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,143.
Al-Imam Muhammad Bin Ismael Al-Bukahri,Saheh Al-Bukhari,2:1846.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,147.
Al-Imam Muhammad Bin Ismael Al-Bukahri,Saheh Al-Bukhari1:1360.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,147.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 3:1139.
Mahmo’d Al-Warraq,Diwan Mahmood Al-Warraq,152.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,2:2232.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,155.
Al-Nasā̒,Sunan al-Nāsā̒,2:506.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,156.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,9:1752.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq 158.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,9:1364.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,163.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,164.
Ibn Mājah, Sunan Ibn Mājah,3:681.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,165.
Muslim, Sahīh Muslim,1:2141.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,176.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,178.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,180.
Muslim, Sahīh Muslim,3:2074.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,182.
Al-Tirmadhi,Jāme` al-Tirmadhi,2:230.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,182.
Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj,Saheh Muslim,1:1338.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,182.
Sulaiman Bin Ashas,Sunan Abe Dao’d,1:351.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,188.
Abdullah Ibn Abd Al-Rahman, Sunan Dārmī (Beirut: Dār Al-Kitab Al-Arabi 1997 AD).
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,188.
Al-Nasā̒ Sunan al-Nasāe’,3:1193.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq , 189.
Al-Khati’b Al-Tabrizi,Mishkat,3:635.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,190.
Abū dāwūd, ,Sunan Abe Dao’d,3:1384.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,190.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh Al-Bukhari,1:1829.
Mahmo’d Al-Warraq,Diwan Mahmood Al-Warraq,190.
Al-Tabrizi, Mishkāt,1:1707.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,191.
Al-Tirmadhi,Jame` Al-Tirmadhī,2:169.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,192.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh Al-Bukhari,2:629.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,193.
Muslim, Sahīh Muslim,1:2153.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,194.
Muslim, Sahīh Muslim,3:2999.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,195.
Ibn Hanbal, Musnad,5:1077.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,195.
Muslim, Sahīh Muslim,3:2588.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,196.
Sulaiman Bin Ashas,Sunan Abe Dao’d,3:141.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,197.
Al-Bukahri, Sahīh Al-Bukhari,2:629.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,204.
Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj,Saheh Muslim,3:2036.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,204.
Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj,Saheh Muslim,3:2094.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,214.
Al-Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal,Musnad Imam Ahmad,5:1139.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,230.
Muhammad Ibn Yazīd, Sunan Ibn Mājah(Beirūt: Dār Ihya Al-Turas Al-Arabi 1975 AD),2:806.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,232.
Sulaiman Bin Ashas,Sunan Abe Dao’d,1:336.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,233.
Al-Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal,Musnad Imam Ahmad,6:1699.
Al-Warrāq, Diwān Mahmood al-Warrāq,233.
Muslim, Sahīh Muslim,1:266.
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