الشّيخ محمد شريف الله وجهوده الدعوية من خلال التفاسيره الثلاثة
Muhammad Sharifulllah and his efforts in the field of Daʻwah in his three Tafāsīr
Sharifullah, effort, daʻwah, TafsīrAbstract
Many scholars of the Indian subcontinent have spent their lives in the service of the religion of Islam and filled the Indian continent with their knowledge in particular and the world in general. Among them is the preacher Sheikh Muhammad Sharif who had tremendous efforts in the field of Daʼwah. He spent his life in Daʼwah. The present article revolves around his preaching efforts in his three tafāsīr. It gives a brief account of his life in the introduction, and includes two sections and a conclusion. The first section deals with his Daʼwah efforts through his three commentaries of the Quan and his style in these tafāsīr, and the second one covers the means of Daʼwah adopted by him. Finally, the conclusion and findings of the research have been presented.
Muhammad Sharifullah, Tafsīr al-Badīʻ fī Maʻrifat Maʻānī Kalām Rabbinā al-Samīʻ (Maktaba Shams ul-al-ʻŪloom, 1438), 1:3.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr al-Badīʻ fī Maʻrifat Maʻānī Kalām Rabbinā al-Samīʻ, 1:1.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr al-Badīʻ fī Maʻrifat Maʻānī Kalām Rabbinā al-Samīʻ 2:198.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr al-Badīʻ fī Maʻrifat Maʻānī Kalām Rabbinā al-Samīʻ 1:1.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr Tibyān al-Furqān, 1:1.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr Tibyān al-Furqān, 3:1480.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr Tibyān al-Furqān, 1:12.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr Tibyān al-Furqān, 1:139.
Sharifullah ,Tafsīr al-Kawsarī,1:167.
'Abu al-Fadhl Jamāl al-Dīn Ibn Mukrram Ibn Manzūr al-Afrīqī, Lisān al-ʻArab (Beirut: Dār Sādir,1414), 1:478.
Muhammad Abdul ʻAlīm al-Zuqānī, Manāhil al-Irfān fī ʻŪlmūl al-Quran,1:303.
Ibn Manzūr, Lisān al-ʻArab, 1:78.
Muhammad Ibn Abī Bakr Ibn Ayū, Madārij al-Sālikīn, (Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al- ʻArabī, 1416), 2:447.
Saeed Ibn ʻAlī Ibn Whab al-Qahtānī, Al-Hikmat fī Daʻwah,1:29.
Al-Naḥl 16:125.
Sharifullah ,Tafsīr al-Kawsarī, 1:186.
Ibn Manzūr, Lisān al-ʻArab, 7:466.
Muhammad Ibn ʻAlī Ibn Abdullah al-Shawkānī, Fath al-Qadīr (Beirut: Dār Ibn Kathīr, 1444), 3:242.
Al-Naḥl 16:125.
Sharifullah ,Tafsīr al-Kawsarī, 1:110.
Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Ḥusannī,Tāj al-ʻUarūs (Beirut: Dār al-Ḥidāyah, 1205), 18: 104.
Mannāʻ al-Qattān, Mabāhith fī ʻUlūm al-Quran ( Maktabat al-Maʻārif li al-Nashr wa al-Tawzīʻ, 1420 ), 1:297,298,299.
Yosuf12 :15.
Sharifullah ,Tafsīr al-Kawsarī, 1:135.
Muhammad Ibn Yaʻqūb al-Fairozabādī , Al-Moḥīt (Beirut: Muasasa al-Risāla li Tabaʻat wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzīʻ), 4:49.
Muhammad Ibn Abu Bakr Ibn al-Qayyim, Al-Amthāl fi al-Quran (Maktaba Sahāba)10: 1.
al-Qattān, Mabāhith fī ʻUlūm al-Quran, 1:297,298,299.
Al-Naḥl 16:75.
Muhammad Sharifullah, Tafsīr Tibyān al-Furqān, 2:688.
al-Ḥusannī,Tāj al-ʻUarūs, 31:75.
Abū al-Fidā Ismāʻīl Ibn ʻUmar Ibn al-Kathīr, Tafsiī al-Quran al-ʻAazīm (Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1419), 3:94.
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Azhar, Tahzīb al-Lughah (Beirut: Dār al-Ihyā al-ʻArabī, 2001), 6:135.
Al-Naḥl 16: 44.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr Tibyān al-Furqān, 2:55.
Al-noor :38.
Sharifullah, Tafsīr Tibyān al-Furqān, 2:872.
Al-Jumaʻ62 :72.
Sharifullah ,Tafsīr al-Kawsarī,2:70.
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