مختلف امور میں مشاورت کی ضرورت اور تقاضے : اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ
Need and Requirements of Consultation in Various Matters: A Study in the Light of Islamic Teachings
Muslims, issues, consultation, requirementsAbstract
Muslims today are suffering from various problems in the different spheres of life and society like politics, economy, family life etc. Their thoughts and ideas are scattered. They find no solution in many cases. In this situation mutual consultation becomes more important. This paper studies the need and requirements of consultation in various matters in the light of Islamic teachings. It argues that consultation is very important in all those matters, in which the rulings of the Sharī'ah are not clear. In present age, Muslims are in dire need of such consultative committees that can guide them to solve problems after advising them on various issues. This strategy can solve many of their problems.
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