رویتِ ہلال: اسلامی تعلیمات اور سائنسی معلومات کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ
“Royat-e-Hilal”: A Study in the Light of Islamic Teachings and Scientific Information
Royat-e-Hilal”, Islamic Teachings, Scientific InformationAbstract
The problem of “Royat-e-Hilal" of Ramadan and Shawwal is not of recent years rather this problem has been keep arising on these sacred occasions since last sixty years. According to geographical point of view, Pakistan is situated on such a part of Earth where seeing of moon on two different dates can absolutely be refused. Bhutto Govt in 1974 ,after the decline of Ayub Khan,passed a law from National Assembly to solve this issue for ever. Bhutto's Govt has declared to set up a "Royat-e-Hilal" Committee on govt level which will comprise of one central and four zonal committees which exists till today. These committees too could not eliminate the difference on the issue of "Royat-e-Hilal" and didn't pay any effective role. Now the issue along with the Govt has become more a religious and regional. So there is a need of presenting this issue before public on scientific and Islamic basis. I would try to research on this topic on scientific and religious basis in my article.
Al Rehman 55:5
Yaseen, 36:38,39,40۔
Al Baqarah, 2:189۔.
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari,Sahih Bukhari, (Karachi: Noor Muhammad Assah Ul Mataabey,1381 hijri),Hadith#1906.
Younus, 5:10.
Younus, 5:10.
Imam Bukhari,Sahih Bukhari,Hadith#1900
Allama Taqqi ud din Subki,Al ilm ul Mash’hoor fi Shahoor, (Kurdistan: Almahmiyah Al ilmiyah,1329 hijri),06.
Dr Muhammad Yousuf Qrzaavi,Al Aamal ul Kamilah (Al Saudiyah: Al Maktabah Al islamiyah),512
Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab,Al Azb uz Zulaal Fi Mabahis E Royat E Hilaal (Al Saudiyah: Shirkat Un Nashr wa Tauzee lil Madaaris,1422 Hijri),380.
Al Lubnani,Saleem Rustum Baaz Al Labnani,Sharah Ul Mujallah (Beirut: Daar ul Kutub Al Ilmiyah),1002.
. Al Lubnani,Sharah Ul Mujallah,1002.
Allama Kamal ud Din Ibn E Hummam,Fath Ul Qadeer,(Sakkar: Maktabah Nooriyah Rizviyah), 06:02.
Al Lubnani, Sharah Ul Mujallah,1002.
Mulla Nizam Ud din Alamgeeri,Fatawa Hindiyah ((Misar:Maktbaa Kubraa Ameeriyah Boldaq,1310 Hijri),03:306.
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Al Lubnani,Sharah Ul Mujallah,1002.
Al Lubnani,Sharah Ul Mujallah,1002.
Mufti Muhammad Shafee, Jawahir Ul Fiqh,(Karachi: Maktabah Daar Ul Uloom,1341 Hijri),02:312.
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Imam Abu Daud Sulaiman Bin Ash’ass- Sunan Abu Daud- (Lahore: Matbaa Mujtabaee Pakistan 1405 Hijri), Hadith#3573.
Imam Ahmad Bin Hanmbal,Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanmbal(Beirut:Maktabah E Islami,1398 Hijri),Hadith#17285.
Mufti KhaliL Ijaz,Royat E Hilal,Masla Aur Hal,(Multan:Nashr Us Sunnah Istambul),111.
Khalil Ijaz,Royat E Hilal,Masla Aur Hal,135.
Khalil Ijaz,Royat E Hilal,Masla Aur Hal,210.
Khalil Ijaz,Royat E Hilal,Masla Aur Hal,224,225.
Al Baqrah,02:189.
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Ghulam Rasool Saeedi,Tibyan Ul Quran, (Lahore: Fareed Book stall Urdu Bazar,1430 Hijri),10: 524&528.
Imam Muslim,Sahih Muslim,Hadith#1088.
Ahmad Raza Khan Brailvi,Fatawa Rizviyyah,(Lahore: Raza Foundation Jamia Nizamia Rizviyah,ء2001),26:423.
Brailvi,Fatawa Rizviyyah,26:423.
Allama Ibn E Aabdeen Shami,Radd Ul Mohtar Alla Durr E Mukhtar( Maktbah Usmaniyah,1327 Hijri),03:322.
Brailvi,Fatawa Rizviyyah,10:388,389.
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