قدیم بلوچی شاعری میں تنقید کی روایت

Tradition of Criticism in Classical Balochi Poetry




Tradition, Decade, Era, Minstrel, Oral, Criticism, Metaphor, Simile, Symbol, Intertextuality, Creation, Recognition


This research paper surrounds the tradition of criticism in Balochi Classic Poetry which, according to the research scholars, begins in the mid of fifteenth century (Era of Meer Chakar Rind the Great) and comes to an end in the first two decades of the twentieth century. As the Balochi classic poetry is in oral tradition, that is why its many prominent components are missing and many of the poets are unknown, except a few as Shay Kallaan, Shay Essa, Shay Sholaan, Beebagar Rind and Shay Mureed. However, as many pieces of poetry so far have been discovered through the Pahlwan (Minstrels) who sang these songs in their musical gatherings and later on, they were recorded and brought in written shape. By studying these pieces of poetry, one can sense that the Baloch poets had the sense of criticism by the time they created their poetry. They knew the art and poetics of poetry, and they used the literary devices in their creations, such as metaphors, similes, symbols, and many others. The second period of Balochi Classic Poetry, Abid known as Mullahi Era, actually is the connectivity of the first era. In other words, there are some similarities and some differences between two of the era’s poetry in terms of subjects, techniques, diction, and style. In this era, particularly, Jam Durruk, Mast Toakali, Mullah Fazul and Rahm Ali Mari are the notable poets who seem to be influenced by their classical poetry. But on the other hand, they have maintained their individuality and unique style as their recognition.


Syed Tanveer Hussain, Urdu Tanqid par Maghrabi tanqid kay Asrat (Patna: Saima publication, 1998), 134

AR Daad, Man Cho Jedetag (Karachi: Syed Hashmi Reference Library,2017), 137

Faqir Shad, Meeras, (Mand: Fazul Adabi Karwan, 2016), 70

Faqir Shad, Meeras 237

Faqir Shad, Meeras 262

AR Daad ,Bunlad, Compiler: Raziq Raj (Panjgur: Izzat Academy, 2022), 33-43

AR Daad, Man Cho Jedetag 116

Sye Hashmi, Balochi zuban o adab ki tarikh: aik jaiza (Karachi: Syed Hashmi Academy, 1986), 80

Dr. Sajjad Baqir Rizvi, Maghrabi tanqid ke usool, (Azhar Sons, 2019), 248-249

Bashir Ahmad Baloch, Durchen, (Quetta, Balochi Academy, 2015), 108

AR Daad Izm, Sachisht, Maana (Kech: Esteen Shengkar, 2015), 74

Bashir Ahmad Baloch, Durchen, 22

Dr. Jameel Jalbi, Aristo se Eliot tak (National Book Foundation, 2015), 180

AR Daad, Man Cho Jedetag 153

Dr. Muhammad Ashraf kamal, Tanqid ka daira kar (Misal Publishers, 2016), 36

AR Daad, Man Cho Jedetag ,122-123.

Mitha Khan Mari, Tawakli Mast (Quetta: Balochi Academy, 1969), 97

Mitha Khan Mari, Tawakli Mast 144

Mitha Khan Mari, Tawakli Mast 36

Bashir Ahmad, Baloch, Shap Chirag, (Quetta: Balochi Academy, 1968), 33

Syed Hashmi Shahlacha Kar (Gwadar: Syed Hashmi Academy, 2013), 22

Faqeer Shad, Drapshuken Suhail (Turbat: Bilal Book Stationers, 2013), 221

AR Daad, Man Cho Jedetag 156-157

AR Daad, Man Cho Jedetag 162



How to Cite

“قدیم بلوچی شاعری میں تنقید کی روایت: Tradition of Criticism in Classical Balochi Poetry”. 2022. Al-Qamar 5 (4):205-16. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.05.04.u16.