وبائی امراض کے معنوی اسباب و اثرات: اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ
Spiritual Causes and Effects of Infectious Diseases: A Study in the Light of Islamic Teachings
spiritual, warning, crisis, lab virus, reversalAbstract
December 31,2019 The infectious disease caused by the virus “Corona virus” from Wuhan, China, proved to be an international disaster. Along with the World Health organization, health experts and analysts have lost many of its apparent causes, such as the food and drink of forbidden animals, lab viruses, etc. But when a global disaster strikes, it is a form of divine punishment or trial that. The purpose of God is to discipline mankind. The principle of warning mentioned in the Qur’an is a proof of this. Probably they will come back” Among the spiritual causes virus, obscenity and nudity, disregard for Islamic law of purification, lack of religious inclination…are noteworthy. It’s a principle of nature that every accident, calamity precedes both positive and negative effects. Allah clearly asserts in (Al-Sajdah:21)” And of course We will make them taste a small torment in this world before the Hereafter. Perhaps they will return” Deviation from laws, lack of religious inclination…are noteworthy. It’s a principle of nature that every accident calamity is a precursor to both positive and negative effects. Similarly among the positive effects, religious tendency, spirit of mutual aid and benevolence, research and discovery in medicine, promotion of online system…Therefore, in this article, in the light of Islamic teachings, their analytical study will be presented so that accuracy in actions and deeds is possible:
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