ماثور درود وسلام میں رسول اللہﷺ کےاسمائے گرامی اور ان کی معنویت

Names of the Holy Prophet and their Effectiveness in the Authentic Durood and Salām


  • Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Lecturer, Department of Sirah Studies, AIOU, Islamabad
  • Dr. Navid Iqbal Dr. Navid Iqbal Assistant Professor of Hadith & Hadith Sciences, AIOU, Islamabad


Effectiveness of Salat and Salam, Muhammad, Rasool, Nabi, Practical life, highlighting


Sending Durood-u-Salam (peace and divine blessings of Allah) to Muhammad (SAW) is a very blessed and rewarding act along with the command of Allah, on which various aspects many leading and later scholars has written a lot, is being written continually and this process will be continued till the Day of Judgement. In this article, some of the words of the eminent Durood-o-Salam and the meanings of their selected and specific eminent names of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are highlighted. For this purpose, two words of Salat-o-Salam, which are mentioned in Sahih or Hasan Ahadith: Salat-o-Salam and five names of Rasool-u-Allah: Muhammad, Al-Rasool and al-Nabi have been selected. The article is consisting of three topics that are: the literal and shar'i meaning of Salat-o-Salam and its characteristics and meaning, extraction of the mentioned ahaadeeth of five names and the meaning, characteristics, and concept of each name. At first, the relevant hadith has been extracted respectively in the article, then explaining the meaning of the given name in it and later the characteristic and meaning of this name is argued from the Qur'an and Sunnah, the books of the dictionaries and the declaration of the ummah, according to narrative, inductive, derivative, and analytical methodology research, and style. In doing so, an attempt has been made to make it manifest in the practical life of the Prophet (SAW). At the end of article, the results of the research and recommendations are written.


Muslim ibn Ḥajjāj al-Qusheirī, Al-Saḥīḥ (Karachi: Qadīmī Kutub Khānah, 1375 AH), 2: 805

Ibn Fā ris, Maqāyīs al-Lugah, 3:330

Al-Afrīqī, Lisān al-ʻArab, 14:1465

Bukhārī, Muhammad bin Ismail, Al-Saḥīḥ, 6:120.

Bukhārī, Muhammad bin Ismail, Al-Saḥīḥ, 6:120.

Imam Rāgib, al-mufradāt fi Garib al-Qurān, 490-491.

Bukhārī, Muhammad bin Ismail, Al-Saḥīḥ, 1:96

Al-Tawbah, 9:103

Muslim ibn Ḥajjāj al-Qusheirī, Al-Saḥīḥ, 3:392.

Ibn al-Asīr, Al-Nihāya fi Garib al-Qurān, 3:50.

Al-Nūr, 24:41

Ibn al-Asīr, Al-Nihāya fi Garib al-Qurān, 3:50.

Al-Enbiyā, 21:107

Hanī bin Niyaz bin Amr, Sahābi, Al-Isābah, 3:565.

Al-Nisāī, Sunan, 166.

Al-Tirmīzī, Abu īsā, Sunan, 4:636.

Al-Tirmīzī, Abu īsā, Sunan, 5:442.

Al-Tirmīzī, Abu īsā, Sunan, 5:551.

Ibn Majah, Sunan, Hadith, 908.

Ibn Fā ris, Maqāyīs al-Lugah, 3:90

Al-Shuārā, 26:89.

Al-Baqarah, 2:71.

Al-Ahzāb, 33:56

Al-Beyzāvi, Anwāru al-Tanzil, 4:238.

Qazī Iyāz, Al-Shifā, 2:60.

Al-Mewdudī, Abu al-Aālā, Dārud un par salām un par, 4-5.

Al-Anfāl, 8:33

Al-Tirmīzī, Abu īsā, Sunan, 5:270.

Al-Beyhaqī, Sunan, 5:72.

Bukhārī, Muhammad bin Ismail, Al-Saḥīḥ, 4:178

Al-Nisāī, Abu Aburahmān, Sunan, 3:48

AL-Saf, 61:6

Ibn Qayyim, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr, Jala al-Ifhām, Kuwait, 171.

Al-Qāri, Ali bin Sultan, Mirqāt al-Mafātih, Dār al-Fikr, 1:52.

Al-Tirmīzī, Abu īsā, Sunan, 314

Qazī Iyāz, Al-Shifā, 1:251

Al-Taftāzāni, Omer bin Muhammad, Sharh al-Aqāyid, Qāhirā, 19.

Ibn Abi Al-Izz, Sharh al-Aqidatu Tahāviyā, 117.

Bagdādi, Abudul Qahir, Usul al-Dīn, 128.

Al-Fath, 48:29

Al-Māidah, 5:67.

Alusī, Ruh al-Mānī, 1:229.

Abū Dāwūd, Sulymān ibn al-Ash’ath al-Sijistānī, Sunan Abī Dāwūd: (Dār al-Ḥadīth), 1: 373

Bukhārī, Muhammad bin Ismail, Al-Saḥīḥ, 1:211

Al-Sahāvī, Shamsuddīn, AL-Qalul Badīg, 1:38.

Al-Afrīqī, Lisān al-ʻArab, 15:301

Al-Asfahāni, Al-Huseyn bin Muhammad, al-mufradāt fi Garib al-Qurān, 789

Al-Jurjānī, Ali bin Muhammad, Kitāb al-Tarifāt, Lubān, 1:239

Qazī Iyāz, Al-Shifā, 1:251

Maryam, 19:54.

Ibn Teymiyah, Al-Nubuwāt, 2:714.

Jamāl al-Dīn, Ahmad bin Muhammad, Usul al-Dīn, 151.

Al-Anfāl, 8:64.

Al-Anfāl, 8:65.

Al-Ahzāb, 33:40



How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Rafiq, and Dr. Navid Iqbal. 2021. “ماثور درود وسلام میں رسول اللہﷺ کےاسمائے گرامی اور ان کی معنویت: Names of the Holy Prophet and Their Effectiveness in the Authentic Durood and Salām”. Al-Qamar 4 (1):405-18. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/969.


