برصغیر میں علمِ جرح وتعدیل کےفروغ میں محمد بن طاہرپٹنی کی تصنیفی خدمات کا مطالعہ

A Study of the Contributions of Muhammad Ibn Tahir Patni in Promotion "Ilm-e-Jarh-o-Ta'dīl” in the Subcontinent


  • Muhammad Rafique Doctoral Candidate Islamic Studies, Gomal University, D.I.Khan
  • Dr Hafiz Abdul Majeed Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Gomal University, D.I.Khan
  • Muhammad Sohail Ahmad Theology Teacher, Department of School Education, Bhakkar


Tahir Patni, Ilm-e-Jarh-o-Ta'dil, Subcontinent


"Ilm-e-Jarh-o-Ta'dil" is the knowledge in which the authenticity of the narration of a hadith is discussed, whether it is just, well-ordered or their imperfections. The authenticity of a hadith depends on the condition of the narrator, and the authenticity of these narrations is evident from the testimony of the scholars. This information and news of the Hadith scholar (Muhaddithin) is called " Ilm-e-Jarh-o-Ta'dil ". We have received the hadith of the Prophet through narration. The authenticity of a hadith is the first step towards knowing the validity of a hadith, so the scholars of hadith have stated that in order to accept the narrations of the hadith; certain conditions are necessary. The compilation of this skill form in book form dates back to almost the second century. In the first three hundred years, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Hasan al-Saghani raised the standard of publishing the knowledge of Hadith, in the second three hundred years, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Tahir al-Hindi Patni took the lead in publishing the science of hadith, and in the third three hundred years, Shaykh Abdul Hai Lucknow Played an important role in the publication of Hadith. This second period of publication of knowledge of Hadith is called the period of Mughal Empire Muhaddithin has made full use of the books containing your knowledge of Hadith, which is like a golden chapter. I have been presented.


Muhammad Ishaq, Ilme Hadith main bare Sagir Pak-o-Hind ka hisa (Lahore: idara saqafat-e-Islamiah,1958AD),310.

Abd-ul-Qadir Al-Eadrose, Alnoor-ul-Safir en Akhbar-ul-Qarn-el-Ashir(Beirut: Dar Sadir,2001AD),17.

Qasim Farishta,Tareekh-E-Farishta (Lahore: Mezan Nashran),2:360.


Muhammadin Tahir Patni, Tazkarat-ul-mozouat, (Egypt: IdaraTabat-ul-Muneeryah, 1343AH),3.

⁶ Al-Eadrose,Alnoor-al-Safir,4.

Al-Eadrose, Alnoor-al-Safir, 475.

Al-Eadrose, Alnoor-Al-safir,475.

Abd-ul-Haei Al-Hasni Al-Saqafat-ul-Islameya Fil Hind( Qahira: Maktabah), 244.


Muhammad Bin Jafir Al-Katani, Al- Resalat-ul-Mustatrifah (Dar-ul-Basaer),158.

Nawab Sadeeq Hassan Khan Bhopalvi, Abjad-ul-Aloom (Damishq: Manshorat, Wazart-e-Saqafat-wal-Irshad,1978AD),223.

Patni, Al-mughni,(Lakhnow: Matbah Nowel Kishawr,1308aH), 353.

Bhopavi, Abjad-ul-Aloom, 222.

Patni, Al- Mughni,353

Patni, Al-Mughni, 363.

Patni, Tazkarat-ul-mozouat, (Ejept:IdaraTabat-ul-Muneeryah, 1343AD),6.

Patni Tazkarat-ul-Mozoaat,7.

Patni, Tazkarat-ul-mozouat, 8.

Patni, Tazkarat-ul-mozouat, 9.


Patni,Tazkarat-ul-mozouat, 45.

Patni,Tazkarat-ul-mozouat ,41

Patni, Tazkarat-ul-mozoaat, 42.

Patni,Tazkarat-ul-mozouat ,44.

Patni, Tazkarat-ul-mozoaat, 68.

Patni,Al-Mughni, 2.

Patni, Majma Behar-ul-Anwar,(lakhnow: Matbaa ,Lakhnow),260.



Patni, Al-Mughni, (Kirachi:Al Raheem Academy, 1428AD), 48.

Patni,al-Mughni, 182.

Patn,Behar-ul- Anwar, 3.

Patni, Al- Mughni, 48.

Patni,Al-Mughnai, 13.

Patni, Behar-ul- Anwar, 260.

Patni,Al-Mughnai, 14.



How to Cite

Muhammad Rafique, Dr Hafiz Abdul Majeed, and Muhammad Sohail Ahmad. 2021. “برصغیر میں علمِ جرح وتعدیل کےفروغ میں محمد بن طاہرپٹنی کی تصنیفی خدمات کا مطالعہ: A Study of the Contributions of Muhammad Ibn Tahir Patni in Promotion "Ilm-E-Jarh-O-Ta’dīl” in the Subcontinent ”. Al-Qamar 4 (2):561-72. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/987.


