Role of Ethics in Promoting good Governance in the Society: A Study with Reference to Tasawwuf
Ethics, good Governance, Society, TasawwufAbstract
Society is a very complex machinery, and it is linked with human behavior. If it is positively merged with Theory and Practice, then it would help out humanity. Society and human behavior work together for the promotion of basic ethics and basic values in the community. Islam constitutes a comprehensive package of guidance for the Muslims in their individual as well as communal lives. Teachings about social interaction, social ethics, and social behavior are a very important part of Islam's guiding principles for good governance. This guidance is not from man or woman, from leaders or from scholars. This guidance is from Allah SWT through the Holy Prophet PBUH and Holy Quran, for the enhancement of the society. The ultimate goal of Islam is to create and then nourish a healthy society, all members of which are caring, loving and supportive towards each other.
The Holy Quran Surah Al furqan:63
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The Holy Quran Surah Al Shams:9
The Holy Quran Surah Al Tauba:108
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The Holy Quran Surah Hajj:40
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The Hoy Quran Surah al Nisa: 135
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Imam Ghazali English translation by Muhammad Asim Bilal Revised by Justice Dr. Munir Ahmed Mughal. Kimiya -i-Sa’adat (Alchemy of Eternal Bliss). Pakistan: 2001. P 492
The Holy Quran Surah Marium:54
The Holy Quran Surah Baqara:177
The Holy Quran Surah Baqara:188
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Ibid P. 709
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Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Qadri. World Peace Order towards an international state. USA: 2008. P.74
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