فکر اسلامی اوراس کے اولین مصادر: ایک مطالعہ
A Study of Islamic Thought and its Basic Sources
Islamic Thought, Revealed Wisdom, Prophetic Practice, Human Reason, Innovative ThinkingAbstract
The Islamic tradition of thought is grounded in a rich body of knowledge that has been developed over centuries, derived from the revealed wisdom of Qur’an & that of the Sunnah (prophetic practices) of the Prophet (PBUH). This knowledge encompasses a broad range of fields, including theology, jurisprudence, ethics, and spirituality, among others. This paper examines the original sources of Islamic thought that have been instrumental in shaping the Islamic intellectual tradition. The paper begins by discussing the Quran, which is the original source of Islamic knowledge, and examines Hadith o Sunnah (sayings and actions) of the Prophet Muhammad and serve as a complementary source of Islamic law and ethics. The paper also explores the role of Ijtihad (deriving guidance from Qur’an & Sunnah through human reason and intellect) in Islamic thought, including the use of logical reasoning and philosophical inquiry to understand Islamic teachings.
Al-Isrāʻ: 9
Al-Imrān: 164
Mahmoud Murtaza Hussaini Al-Zubaidi, Tāj al-ʻŪrūs (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1994), 7: 359.
Abu Hamid Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Al-Ghazali, Ihyā al-ʻUlūm al-Dīn (Beirut: Dar al-Maʻrafat, n.d), 1: 332
Al-Ghazali, The Chemistry of Happiness (Lahore: Muktaba Rehmaniya Urdu Bazar, 1980), 24
Raghib Isfahāni, Al-Mufardāt fī Gharīb al-Quran, 384
Isfahāni, Al-Mufardāt fī Gharīb al-Quran, 808
Syed Ahmed Dehlavi, Farhang-e-Asafia (Lahore: Muktaba Hasan Sohail), 3: 350
The Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford Press, 1989), p: 1824
Ibid, p: 983
Muhammad Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Lahore : Institute of Islamic Culture, 1990), 5
Burhan Ahmed Farooqui, Quran and Living Problems of Muslims (Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture),58
Hussain, Syed Nasr, Traditional Islam in the Modern World (Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture, 1992), 9
Zia-ul-Hassan Farooqi, The Modern Formation of Islamic Thought (Maktaba Rehmaniya, Lahore), 67
Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi, Islamic Civilization and Culture (Islamabad: Dawa Academy International University), 39
Anees Ahmad, Quranic Foundations of Islamic Thought and Culture (Lahore: First Edition: 2010), 27
Khalifa, Abdul Hakeem, Basic Characteristics of Islam (Islamic Culture Institute, Lahore: 1975), 35
Al-Shams: 7-8
Al-Baqarah: 31
Al- Alaq: 5
Al-Baqarah: 36
Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidāyah wa al—Nihāya (Dar al-Salaam: 2004), 31:
Al-Nakhl: 120-123
Khurshid Ahmad, Islamic philosophy of Life (Karachi: Department of Authorship and Compilation, 1986), 105
Yunus: 19
Khurshid Ahmad, Islamic philosophy of Life,5
Professor Muhammad Usman, Reconstruction of Islamic Thought (Sang-eMeel Publications: 1975), 144
Al-Sahih, Al-Muslim, Kitab al-Iman, Chapter Marifata al-Iman, Islam, and Qadr (Dar wa al-Hayya l-Tharat al-Arabi, Beirut) p. 36
Dr. Muhammad Hameedullah, Khutbāt-e-Bahawalpur (Bahawalpur: Islamia University, 1407 AH), 141
Al-Baqarah: 177.
Khurshid Ahmad, Islamic philosophy of life, 5
Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, 120
Farooqi, Quran and the living problems of Muslims ,53
Abi Ishaq Ibrahim Ibn Musa Al-Shātabī, al-Muwāfaqāt (Qatar: Idara Islamiy), 3: 367.
Al-Shātabī, al-Muwāfaqāt, 3: 367.
Al-Alaq 1-5
Al-Maida: 3
Al-Hijr: 9
Al-Hajj: 46
Al-Zubaidi, Mahmoud Murtaza Hussaini, Tāj al-ʻUūs:33
Al- Anʻām: 104
Al-Baydāwi, Tafseer al-Baydāwī (Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-Ilamiyyah, 1408 AH),1: 439
Al-Qurtubī, Al-Jāmi li Ahkām al-Quran (Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-Misriya, 1964), 57
Al-Ana'am: 109.
Muhammad Ibn Mukrram Ibn Manzoor, Lisān al-ʻArab (Beirut: Dar Sadir), 4: 410
Aal Imrān: 164
Abdul Waheed, Khan, The Personality of the Last Prophet Muhammad (Riyadh: International Publican House, 2012), 33
Taha: 20-9
Al-Bukhārī, Kitāb al-Raqqāq, Chapter 2: 29
Muhammad Ibn Kirmani, Al-Kawaqib al-Darārī fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari (Beirut: Dar Ihya al-Trath al-Arabi,), 1: 6.
Al-Nakhl: 44
Aal Imran: 164
Al-Juma'a: 2
Al-Maida: 67
Al-Araf: 31
Al-Nakhl: 64
Ibn Manzoor, Lisān al-Arab, 12: 140
Al-Isfahani, Mufardāt al-Quran, 126
Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari, Jāmʻ al-Bayān fi Taʻwīl Āy al-Qur’an (Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-Ilamiyyah,), 3: 82
Al-Shāfi'i, Al-Risālah fī 'Ilm ʻUsūl al-Fiq, 3: 78.
Nadvi, Syed Salman, Sirat al-Nabi (Lahore: Madinah School, Urdu Bazar), 4: 156.
Al-Ahzāb: 21
Al-Hashr: 7
Al-Nisāʻ: 59
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