ضلع بنوں میں خواتین کے حق ِوراثت سے محرومی کے عوامل کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Analytical Study of the Factors of women's disinheritance in Bannu District
Women's. disinheritance, bannu, data, Khyber PakhtunkhawAbstract
In the age of Jahiliyyah, the women were deprived of all their rights and were considered as a go head over heels thing in the society, but when Islam appeared, it not only gave women a high position but also gave them all the rights like men. Like a man, a woman was also given the right of ownership, the right of acquisition, economic and financial rights, and among these economic and financial rights, she gave the right of inheritance, in such a way that the share of the man was determined by making the woman's share the basis. It is a privilege that no other religion has given except Islam. Considering Islamic teachings and Pakistani laws and constitution; we have researched the society of Bannu district (which is a Pashtun society). And came to the results that, the practical situation of our society is also sad and based on oppression. Very cruel factors and pretexts are used to deprive the women. As a Muslim nation, we have turned our backs on this precious and privileged legal right of Islam, which Allah Almighty has declared as Hududullah.
Al-Nisā’ 4:8.
Muftῑ Muhammad Shafῑʿ, Tafsῑr Maʿārif al-Quran (Karachi: Idārah al-Maʿārif), 2:311.
Muhammad Ismāʿῑl al-Bukhārῑ, Ṣaḥῑḥ al-Bukhārῑ ( Istanbul: Maktabah Islamia, n.d) Ḥadῑth no: 2747.
CLC 2094
Fatima, Research survey (factors of women's disinheritance in Bannu, UC Kakki, dated 22 Jan 2022)
Fatima, Research survey (UC khojari, dated : Dec 20 2021)
Fatima, Research survey (UC Bharat, dated 10 Jan 2022)
Fatima, Research survey (UC khojari, dated : Dec 20 2021)
Fatima, Research survey (UC Gharhi sher khan, dated Feb 2nd. 2021)
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