تفہیم القرآن "میں تحقیق ِروایات : ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ"

A Study of the Inquiry of Traditions in “Tafheem al-Quran”


  • Wajid Irshad Doctoral Candidate Islamic Studies, GIFT University, Gujranwala
  • Dr. Muhammad Sadullah Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies GIFT University Gujranwala


Tafheem al-Quran, Traditions, Inquiries


This article deals with the inquiry of traditions by Mawlānā Mawdūdī in his Tafsīr Tafheem al-Quran. It finds that Mawlānā Mawdūdī evaluates the hadith by presenting it to the Quran and criticizes the traditions that appear against the Quran, even if they are narrated in Bukhārī and Muslim. At some places, he seems to accept weak traditions whose text does not contradict the Quran instead of the traditions that are considered to be more correct but contradictory to the Quran. Criticizing the Isrāīlī traditions in some places, he calls them an addition to Islam. In some places, mentioning the differences between the sayings of the Imams he proves that such and such a ruling is speculative and Ijtihādī not Manṣūṣ.


Al-Sāffāt 37: 89.

Mawlānā Syed Abū al-Ālā Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran ( Lahore: Idārā Tarjamān al-Quran, 2016), 4: 292.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 4: 293.

Al-Hajj 22: 1-2.

Al-Ḥāqa 69: 13-14.

Al-Zilzāl 99: 1-3.

Al-Nāziāt 79: 6-9.

Al-Waqia 56: 4-6.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:200.

Al-Hajj 22:52-54.

Al-Najm 53: 19-20.

Banī Isrāīl 17:73-75.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:240.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:241.

Sād 38:26.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 4:327.

Samuel 2:11-12.

Samuel 12:1-9.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 4:328.

Al-Nūr 24:59.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:422.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:423.

Al-Ankabūt 29:50.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:713.

Muhammad Ibn Ismāīl al-Bukhārī, Al-Jāmiʻ al-Saḥiḥ (Al-Riādh: Dār al-Salām, 1419AH), 7:38,Hadīth no: 2698.

Al-Bukhārī, Al-Jāmiʻ al-Saḥiḥ , 3:184,Hadīth no: 2699

Al-Bukhārī, Al-Jāmiʻ al-Saḥiḥ, 8:225, ,Hadīth no: 3184.

Al-Bukhārī, Al-Jāmiʻ al-Saḥiḥ, 10:311, ,Hadīth no: 4251.

Imām Muslim, Saḥīh Muslim (Birūt: Dār Ihyā al-Turāth, nd), 3: 1409, Hadīth no: 1783.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:714.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:715.

Al-Bahaqī, Al-Sunan(Birūt: Dār al-Kutub, 2003), 7:68, Hadīth no: 1329 0.

Mawdūdī, Tafhīm al-Quran, 3:715.



How to Cite

Wajid Irshad, and Dr. Muhammad Sadullah. 2021. “تفہیم القرآن "میں تحقیق ِروایات : ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ": A Study of the Inquiry of Traditions in ‘Tafheem Al-Quran’”. Al-Qamar 4 (4):293-302. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/1131.