منصور حلاج کے مذہبی و متصوفانہ رخ کی مختلف پرتیں :جمیلہ ہاشمی کےناول" دشتِ سوُس" کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ
Different Layers of Mansoor Hallaj's Religious and Mystical Side: An Analytical Study of Jameela Hashmi's Novel "Dasht-e-Soos"
Jameela Hashmi, Dasht-e-Soos, Mansoor HalajAbstract
The history of Urdu novel is incomplete without Jameela Hashmi’s Novels. She wrote great novels. Her first novel "Talāsh-e-Baharan" was full of romance. In this novel, she showed the romantic colors of life. She also used famous historical figures as subjects in her novels. These novels include "Chehra Ba Chehra Roo Ba Roo" and "Dasht-e-Soos". In " Chehra Ba Chehra Roo Ba Roo " the circumstances of the famous character Qurat-ul-Ain Tahira are discussed, while in "Dasht-e-Soos" the historical incident of Mansoor Hallāj is analyzed. The present article discusses this historical event regarding Mansoor Hallaāj
Dr. Saleem Akhtar, Urdu Adab kī Mukhtasir Tarīn Tarīkh (Lahore: Sang-e-Mīl Publications, 2009), 498-499.
Jameelah Hāshmī, Dasht-e-Soos (Lahore: A’īnah Adab, 1983), 132.
Dr. Khālid Ashraf, Brṣagīr mein Urdu Novel (Dehlī: Educational Publishing House, 1994), 334-335.5
Jameelah Hāshmī, Dasht-e-Soos, 461.
Iqrār Yūsaf, “Jameelah Hāshmī behaisīat-e-Tarīkhī Novel Nigār”: Maqālah Gheyr Matbūʻah (Mānsehrah: Mamlūkah Shuʻba Urdu, Hazara University, n.d).
Aslūb Ahmed Ansārī, Urdu key Pandrah Novel (Lahore: Malik and Company, n.d), 364.
Jameelah Hāshmī, Dasht-e-Soos, 489.
Rāheelah Latīf, Urdu Novel mein mābʻad al-Țabīʻātī ʻAnāsir: 1947 Kay bʻad (Lahore: Majlis-e-Taraqqi-e-Adab, 2018), 327.
Dr. Mumtāz Ahmed khan, Azādī key bād Urdu Novel “h’eyat, Asālīb aūr Ruhjānāt” 1947-2007 (Karachi: Anjuman-e-Taraqqī-e-Urdu, 1997), 115.
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