Annemarie Schimmel: A Study of her Life and Academic Quest for understanding Islam and Muslim Culture


  • Dr Siddiq Ali Chishti Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Religion, Faculty of Usuluddin, International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Sharafat Ali Khan Doctoral Candidate, Department of Comparative Religion, Faculty of Usuluddin, International Islamic University Islamabad



Annemarie Schimmel, Academic Quest, understanding Islam, Muslim Culture


This article discusses the autobiography and contributions of the famous German Orientalist Annemarie Schimel. It is a systemic study of the life history of Annemarie Schimmel by dividing her academic endeavor into different phases, like early life, her life in Germany, Turkey then her life in the Orient and Occident, and later life. She studied various aspects of Islam through the lens of the phenomenological approach. While studying Islam she documented her broader understanding of Muslim Culture and Civilization in numerous academic writings, seminars, papers, and conference presentations. We tried to shed light on her quest for the search for authentic and actual spirit and the essence of Islamic tradition. A descriptive and analytical study approach was used for this study so that Annemarie Schimmel's life history and her academic contribution could be well studied.


Annamarie Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West (Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 2007).

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 14.

(Born January 17, 1933, Paris, France—died May 12, 2003, Boston, Mass.), U.N. official who, as the longest-serving U.N. high commissioner for refugees (1965–77). He also worked with UNESCO, headed two environmental foundations, was a humanitarian envoy to Afghanistan in the late 1980s, and, from 1992, served as U.N. chargé de mission. Prince Sadruddin was the younger son of Sir Sultan Mohammed Shah, the Aga Khan III, imam of the Nizari Ismaʿilite Shiʿite Muslim sect, and was the uncle of the Aga Khan IV: Accessed June 15, 2015.

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West.

Peter Antes, “Annamarie Schimmel: Encyclopedia of Religion”, Accessed, 2005.

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 105.

Annamarie Schimmel, “A LIFE OF LEARNING,” ACLS OCCASIONAL PAPER, no. 21 (1993).

Burzine K . Waghmar, “Professor Annemarie Schimmel1 (April 7, 1922 to January 26, 2003),” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1, no. January (2003): 377–79.

Reynold Alleyne Nicholson (born August 18, 1868, Keighley, Yorkshire, Eng.—died August 27, 1945, Chester, Cheshire) was an English orientalist who exercised a lasting influence on Islamic studies: Accessed December 3, 2016.

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 241.

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 256-261.

The place, which is at an altitude of 15,000 feet at the Chinese border on the Pakistan side.

Annamarie Schimmel, Deciphering the Signs of God: A Phenomenological Approach to Islam Gifford Lectures, (Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 1994).

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 294.

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 294.

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 295.

Quote Sigma. Accessed December 3, 2016.

Antes, “Schimmel, Annemarie,” 2005.

Annemarie Schimmel, Islam : An Introduction (Albany: State University of newYok press, Albany, 1992).

Annemarie Schimmel, My Soul Is a Woman: The Feminine in Islam (Continuum Intl Pub Group, 2003).

Annemarie Schimmel, Islam in India and Pakistan. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1980).

Annemarie Schimmel, Pain and Grace: A Study of Two Mystical Writers of Eighteenth-Century Muslim India (Brill, n.d.).

Annemarie Schimmel, We Believe in One God: The Experience of God in Christianity and Islam (Seabury Pr; 1st, No Additional Printing Listed edition, 1980).

Annemarie Schimmel, Ali Asani and Kamal Abdel-Melek, Celebrating Muhammad: Images of the Prophet in Popular Muslim Poetry (Univ of South Carolina Pr, 1995).

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West.


Antes, “Schimmel, Annemarie,” Https://Www.Encyclopedia.Com/, 2005,

Qamar-ul Huda, “Annemarie Schimmel,” Der Islam 80, no. 2 (2009): 191–92,

M U Khalid et al., “Critical Study of Dr. Annemarie Schimmel’s ‘And Muhammad Is His Messenger,’” Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) 19, no. 1 (2022): 7907–21, 9 (1) - 153 pdf.pdf

Schimmel, Orient and Occident: My Life in East and West, 296.



How to Cite

Dr Siddiq Ali Chishti, and Sharafat Ali Khan. 2023. “Annemarie Schimmel: A Study of Her Life and Academic Quest for Understanding Islam and Muslim Culture”. Al-Qamar, March, 1-12.


