تصوف اور قرآن: ایک مطالعہ
A Study of Mysticism and Quran
Mysticism, Human, Soul, Depth, Purification, Internal, QualitiesAbstract
Mysticism is a spiritual way of living which assesses a person inertly and help to promote his special qualities. Islam guides a man to make him spiritually pure and strong person in order to establish peace and justice. Every verse of Quran has inner meaning by her existence. The Islamic mysticism is reflected by Quran and Ideal personalities.
Moulvī Noor al-Hassan, Noor al-Lughāt (Lahore: Maqbūl Academy, 1989), 202.
Al-Hāj Moulvī Ferūz al-Dīn, Feyrūz al-Lughāt (Lahore: Feroz Sons, n.d), 263.
Moulvī Syed Ahmad Dehlvī, Farhang-e-Āsfiya (Lahore: Urdū Science Board, 2003), 610.
Moulvī Maḥboob Ālam, Islāmī Encyclopedia (Lahore: Zāhid Bashīr Printers, 1992), 174.
ʻAbd al-Salām, Urdū Encyclopedia (Lahore: Feroz Sons, n.d), 323.
Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam (America, The University of the North Carolina Press, 1975), 98.
Dr. Anwar Sadeed, Urdū Adab kī Taḥrīkey (Karachi: Anjuman Traqī-e-Urdū Pakistan, 1996), 154.
Sheikh Abū Naṣar Țowsī, Kitāb al-Lamaʻ, trans. Dr. Muhammad Hassan (Islamabad: Idāra-e-Teḥqeqāt-e-Islām, 1994), 59.
Syed ʻAlī Hajverī, Kashf al-Mahjūb, trans. ʻAllāma Fazal al-Dīn Gohr (Lahore: Ziyā al-Qurān Publications, n.d), 93.
Ḥazrat Sheikh Farīd al-Dīn ʻAṭṭār, Tazkeyra-e-Auliyā’ (Lahore: Aslam ʻIsmat Printers, n.d), 11.
Dr. Meer Walī al-Dīn, Qurān aur Taṣawuf (Karachi: City Book Point, 2009), 160-170.
Khalīfa Abd al-Ḥakeem, Ḥikmat-e-Rūmī (Lahore: Bilāl Jāved Printers, 2012), 17.
Al-Shams 91:8.
Al-Ḥijr 15:29.
Al-Baqarah 2:229.
Al-Luqmān 31:13.
Al-Jāshiya 45:33.
Meer Drd, Dīwān-e-Drd (Lahore: Majlis Traqqī-e-Adab, n.d), 88.
Dr. Allāma Muhammad Iqbāl, Bāl-e-Jibreel (Lahore: Ghulām ʻAlī Publishers, 1985), 56.
Al-Baqarah 2:257.
Al-Āl-e-Imrān 3:134.
Iqbāl, Bāl-e-Jibreel, 35.
Allāma Iqbāl, Asrār-o-Ramūz (Lahore: Ghulām ʻAlī Publishers, 1997), 144.
Al-Țalāq 65:32.
Allāma Muhammad Ḥussain, Saʻādat al-Dāreyn fī Maqtal al-Hussain (Sargodha: Maktabah al-Sibtain, n.d), 450.
Al-Tūba 9:111.
Mowlāna Rūm, Miftāḥ al-ʻUloom: Daftar-e-Awwal Ḥissa Chutha (Lahore: Sheikh Ghulām ʻAlī and Sons, n.d), 236.
Mowlāna Rūm, Miftāḥ al-ʻUloom, 250.
Al-Inʻām 6:120.
Allāma al-Ḥāj, Ṣaḥīfa-e-ʻAlawiya, trans. Syed Murtazā Ḥussain (Lahore: Sheikh GhulāʻAlī ans Sons, n.d), 95.
Mowlāna al-Syed, Aṣul-e-Kāfī, trans. Zafar Ḥassan Amrohovī (Karachi: Zafar Shameem Publications, 2009), 16.
Al-Nisā’ 4:142.
Al-Māʻūn 107:1.
Al-Māʻūn 107:2.
Al-Māʻūn 107:3.
Al-Māʻūn 107:4.
Al-Māʻūn 107:5.
Al-Māʻūn 107:6.
Al-Māʻūn 107:7. ۶۲
Al-Āl-e-Imrān 3:164.
Al-Yūnas 10:62.
Al-Baqarah 2:153.
Al-Baqarah 2:156.
Muhammad Ḥussain, Saʻādat al-Dāreyn fī Maqtal al-Hussain, 466.
Al-Fajar 89:27-28.۸
Al-Inʻām 6:162.
Allāma Iqbāl, Bāng-e-Darā (Lahore: Ghulā ʻAlī Publishers, 1974), 108.
Țowsī, Kitāb al-Lamaʻ, 96.
Al-Nisā’ 4:65.
Allāma Țabāṭabāaī Āyatullah Maṭhrī and Āyatullah al-ʻUzmā Khumeinī, Seyr-o-Salook (Karachi: Jāmiʻa Taʻlīmat-e-Islāmī, 1995), 141.
Allāma Iqbāl, Pas Chy bāyed Kard ay Aqwām-e-Sharak maʻ Musāfir (Lahore: Ghulām ʻAlī Publishers, 1972), 23.
Iqbāl, Bāl-e-Jibreel, 120.
Iqbāl, Bāl-e-Jibreel, 120.
Al-Dahar 76:25-26.
Al-Ḥāj, Ṣaḥīfa-e-ʻAlawiya, 110.
Allāma Iqbāl, Zarb-Kaleem (Lahore: Ghulām ʻAlī Publishers, 1986), 93-94.
Al-Inʻām 6:70.
Al-Mū’mineen 23:1-2-3.
Al-Aḥzāb 33:4.
Iqbāl, Bāl-e-Jibreel, 54.
Iqbāl, Zarb-e-Kaleem, 41.
Țabāṭabāaī, Seyr-o-Salook, 297.
Al-Ḥadīd 57:33.
Iqbāl, Bāl-e-Jibreel, 61.
Al-ʻAnkabūt 29:69.
Al-Tūba 9:60.
Al-Āl-e-Imrān 3:169.
Al-Inʻām 6:122. ۲
Țowsī, Kitāb al-Lamaʻ, 54.
Iqbāl, Asrār-o-Ramūz, 47.
Iqbāl, Asrār-o-Ramūz, 48.
Iqbāl, Bāng-e-Darā, 256.Ḍ
Țowsī, Kitāb al-Lamaʻ, 53.
Iqbāl, Bāng-e-Darā, 270.
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