قرآن کریم میں انبیا ےکرام کی ابتلا کے نظائر
Precedents to Prophets' Temptations in the Holy Quran
Trail, Prophets, Tribulations, Hardships, Martyred, Migration, Sacrifice, Disease, Patience, Nearness, AlmightyAbstract
Allah subjected all the Prophets to trials and made these trials a source of forgiveness and pride for them, elevation of ranks, and the achievement of closeness. The people who come later should learn from their righteous behavior. It is not necessary that the trials come only on a sinful servant, rather, Allah Almighty causes His close ones to undergo trials so that their faith becomes more mature and that they learn to be grateful in every situation. All the prophets were subjected to trials, but they all proved to be perfect believers. They did not complain to Allah Almighty and were not ungrateful, because they promised themselves to suffer in the pleasure of their Lord, but Whenever any pain came to them, they said, "Our Lord, You are our Creator and Lord, We and all our wealth is from you, If you take it back, there must be some wisdom or expediency on your part, so make us among your grateful servants. His humility and trust made them more honorable and closer to his Lord.
Muhammad Murtza al-Zubaidi,(م1205AH),Tāj al-ʻUrūs Min Jawāhir al-Qāmūs (Al-kuwait2008AD),(Bazail mada اب ت
Khalīl ibn Aḥmad Farāhīdī (718 – 786 CE) Kitāb al-'Ayn (Dar Al Fikr ) Lubnani1408AH, (Bazail mada ا ب ت
Ibn Manzur al-Afriqi(م711AH), Lisān al-Arab (Beirut: Dār Sadir, 1414AH),(Bazail mada: ا ب ت
Bala baqi, Roohe Dafeer, Al-Morid al-Wsit,( Beirut: Dār al-Ilm li al-malayyīn, 1990AD) (Bazail mada: ن ظ ر
Al-Anbia 21: 35
Al-Baqara 2: 124
Al-Baqara 2:49
Al-Baqara 2:249
Al-Ankabut 29: 2
Al-Baqara 2:155
Al- Baqara 2:156
Muhammad Ibn Ismāʻīl al-Bukhārī (م256AH), Al-Jamia al-sahih al-Bukhārī(Beirut: Dār al-Qalam, 1401 AH), 75.
, Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabrī (م310AH) Jāmʻ Al-Biayān ʻan Tā’vīl Āy al-Qurān (Beiru: Dār Al-Marifa, 1409AH), 1:204.
AL-Anfaal 8:28
Al-Baqara 2:124
Ibn Majah Muhammad Ibn Yazid (م273AH) al-Sunan (Beirut: Dār al-Kutab al-ilmiyya, 1419AH), kitab al-Maraz, 20.
Al-Bukhārī, kitab al-marz,1:26.
Al-Baqara 2: 155
Al-Baqara 2: 36
Taha 20:120
Al-Baqara 2: 35
Al-Safaat 37:102
Al- Safaat 37: 1-3
Al-Baqara 2:124
Al-Anbia 21: 87
Al- Anbia 21:83
Al-Anbia 21:86
Al-Yusuf 12:4
Al-Yusuf 12:15
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