المحاسن الأدبیۃ فی شعر محمد سعید السندی
Literary Beauties in the poetry of Muhammad Saeed al-Sindhī
Subcontinent, Arabic Poet, Literary virtues, Saeed al Sindhi, Sufi, Religious ScholarAbstract
The sub-continent is one of Allah’s blessed lands, it is the Land of preachers, Scholars, Religion people, Traders, writers and poets. Arabs were aware of the importance of Sub-continent, because they used to travel to Subcontinent for trade before Islam. When Muhammad bin Qasim came for the purpose of conquering India, many scholars, writers, and poets came with him, and they exerted their efforts to spread Islam and the Arabic language, most of whom were religious scholars and Sufis, and among the most famous Arabic poets in the Indian subcontinent, Like Abu Atta Al-Sindi, Al-Biruni, Ata bin Yaqoub Al-Ghaznawi, and Sheikh Fakhr Al-Din Al-Iraqi. Sheikh Rukn al-Din al-Multani, Judge Abd al-Muqtadir al-Sharihi al-Kindi, Sheikh Ahmad al-Thansiri, Shah Wali Allah Mohaddith al-Dahlawi, Sayyed Ghulam Ali Azad al-Bilgrami, Sheikh Muhammad Saeed al-Sindi, and others. Sheikh Muhammad Saeed Al-Sindhi was a popular religious scholar, a famous Sufi, and a great and talented poet. He demonstrated his poetic talent in the three languages: Arabic, Persian, and Sindhi. He wrote his poems in Arabic and Persian. Indian and Arab scholars have praised his Broad expertise in the Arabic language and literature. He writes many poems in these two languages, which became famous in the Indian subcontinent because of his expertise. We find many literary virtues in his poems, such as the diverse words, structures, and styles. Beautiful pictures, deep imagination, music, etc.
Muhammad Saeed al-Sindhī, Ishaqani, Saqaal-al-Zamaier Wa al-Msamrat al-Zamaier, trans. Muhammad Aadam (Krachi: Lazer Enterprises, 2003), 298-264.
Al-Sindhī, Ishaqani, Saqaal-al-Zamaier Wa al-Msamrat al-Zamaier,,298-265.
Hasan al-Baseer, Binā al-Soora al-Fanniya fī Biyān al-Arabī (Al-majma al-Ilmi al-Iraqi,1987),40.
Qudama Ibn Jafar, Naqd al-shier, ed. Al-Khafaji (Al-kulliyat Al-Azhariyah,1302 H), 10.
Jaboor Abd al-Noor, Al-Mojam al-Adabī (Beirut: Dār al-Ilm li al-Malāyīn ),64.
Al-Sindhi, Ishaqani, Saqaal-al-Zamaier Wa al-Msamrat al-Zamaier,120.
Muhammad Saeed al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed (Krachi: Rankeen Art Press, 1989),73.
Al-Sindhī, Deewān-e-Saeed ,73.
Al-Sindhī, Deewān-e-Saeed 73.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08.
Al-Inshrah 94:04.
Al-Toba 09:128.
Al-Sindhī, Deewān-e-Saeed,09.
Ikhlas 112:01
Al-Duha 93:01
Al-Kawsar 108:01
Al-Sindhī, Deewān-e-Saeed,73.
Al-Sindhī, Deewān-e-Saeed, 73.
Imam Muhammad Ibn Ismāīl al-Bukhārī, Al-Jāmiʻal-Sahīh,4:635.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08.
Muhammad Saeed Al-Sindhī, Takmila al-Wardul Muhammadi, ed. Saie Bakhash Qabowlaie,2022),282.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,,73.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,73.
Ahmad Shaieb, Usūl al-Naqd al-Adfabī, (Cairo: Maktaba al-Misriyah,1973),243.
Ahmad Muhammad al-Hofi, Al-Duwa alā al-Adab al-Hadith, (Cairo: Dār al-Nahdah li tabāʻ wa al-Nashr,1977), 417.
Ibn Al-Aseer al-Jazarī, Al-Mith al-Siyar, 2:83.
Jaboor Abd al-Noor, Al-mojam al-adabī (Beirut: Dxar al-Ilm li al-Malaiyn,),244.
Al-Baseer, Binā al-Soora al-Fanniya fī Biyān al-Arabī,274.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,73.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,73
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08.
al-Noor, Al-Mojam al-Adabī, 271
Qudāma Ibn Jaʻfar, Naqd al-sheʻr, ed. Al-khafajī (Cairo: Maktaba Kullyat al-Azhariyah,1302),64.
Ibn Taba al-Alwi, Ayar al-shier: ed. Abbas Abd al-Sattār (Beirut: Dār al-Kutib al-Ilmiyya,),11
Al-Baseer, Binā al-Soora al-Fanniya fī Biyān al-Arabī,274.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,,73.
Al-Sindhi, Deewān-e-Saeed,08.
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