تزکیۂ نفس: عصر حاضر میں سیرت نبوی سے استفادے کی مختلف جہات
Purification of the Self: Different Aspects of Utilization of the Prophet's Life in Contemporary Times
Prophet's life, Purification of Self, Sīrat-e-Taiba, Self-purificationAbstract
Allah has sent prophets to guide mankind in this universe. One of the great duties of Prophet hood for the growth and guidance of the Holy Prophets is "Purification of Self”. This means that Allah Almighty creatures purify their outward and inward appearance. This purity is essential in every aspect of mankind's thoughts, morals, deeds, and purpose. The capital provides its soul. The importance of this can be gauged from the fact that in the heart of a believing servant, the manifestation of enlightenment and cognition of Allah (swat) cannot come down until he has “purified” his soul. Through it, the servants of Allah Almighty come out of the dark morals and cross the threshold of good character. The more purity is born in morals and worships, the closer one will be to Allah. For true knowledge of self-purification, one has to make Sira-e-Taiba of Tajdar-e-Kainat as one's motto. It is not possible to apply the pattern of beauty of the Holy Prophet (saw) without putting it into practice.
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