رقص کی شرعی حیثیت:فقہاء کے افکار کا مطالعہ

Shariah Rulings about Dance: A Study of Juristic Approaches


  • Dr. Khawar Mansoor Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot
  • Naseem Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot
  • Dr. Abdul Aleem Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot




Dance relates to “Fine Arts", a branch of contemporary Sciences and is considered to be favorite type of arts amongst moderate mentality all over the world. However, in Islam, dance is not considered a positive thing for humanity, as its results are undesirable, especially the “women’s dance” before the “men” which is considered to be the worst kind of dance. The eventual result of this kind of dance is often vulgarity, nakedness and other unfavorable things prohibited in Islam. Most of the Jurists of each school of thought are of the opinion that dance is prohibited act (haram) in Islam and orthodox ulamas of every age remark it as a vital sin. This research paper is a critical study of different approaches of Muslim scholars. Some opposing thoughts like Imam Ibn-e-Jozi and Ibn-e-Taymia, some favoring views like opinion of Ghazali and some opinions keeping in view the circumstances, motives and situations for prohibiting, allowing or considering it the natural act, have been discussed in detail to find the Islamic approach about this act which is considered to be the mean of entertainment, spiritual progress or just wastage of the sources and time amongst the different classes of the society. This research paper is a study to analyze that which kind of dance is prohibited in Islam and which types is allowed or is not considered to be a sin Islam.  

Author Biographies

Dr. Khawar Mansoor, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot

Assistant professor, Department of Islamic thought and Civilization

Naseem, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot

Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization


Ibn-Manẓūr Muhammad Bin Mukarram, Lisan-ul-`arab (Bīrūt: Dar-o-Ihīā-il-Turāth-il-`arabī, 1414 AH),7:42.

Zīn-ul-`ābidīn Mīrathī, Baīān-ul-Lisān (Karachi: Dār-ul-Ishā`at), 246.

Muhammad Murtadhā Zubīdī, Tāj-ul-`urūs Min Jawāhir-il-Qāmūs (Kaūaīt: Al-Majlis-ul-ūaṭnī Li-il-Thaqāfat-e-Wal Funūn-e-Wal Aādāb, 2001 AD-1422 AH), 2: 329.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al-Harūī, Tahḍīb-ul-Lughah (Bīūt: Dār-o-Ihīā̕-il-Turāth-il-`arabī, 2001), 8: 284.

Urdū Lughat (Karachi: Urdū Lughat Board, 1990), 9: 647.

Noor-ul-Hassan Naūūar, Nūr-ul-Lughāt (Islamabad: National Book Foundation, 2004),2: 455-456.

S.W. Fallon, English Urdu Dictionary (Lahore, Urdu Science Board, 2003), 242

Urdū Lughat, 9:674.

Dr. `ābd-ul- ūahīd etc. Urdu Encyclopedia (Lahore: Fīrūz Sons Ltd. 1962), 804.

Abū Hāmid Muhammad Bin Muhammad Ghazālī, Ihīā-o-`ulūm-il-Dīn, Al-Bāb-ul-Aūūal Fī-il-Simā`-i-ūal Kashf, (Misr: Maktabah wa Matba`at-ul-Mashhad-ul-Husīnī), 2: 167.

Muhammad Amīn Ibn-i-`ābidīn, Hāshīatu Radd-il-Muhtār `alā-al-Durr-il-Mukhtār (Bīūt: Dār-ul-Fikr, 1979), 4:208.

Luqmān, 31:18

Khuram `alī, Ghāīat-ul-Aūtār-e-Sharh-u-Durr-il-Mukhtār, Kitāb-ul-Haẓr-e-Wal-Ibāha (Karachi: H.M. Sa`īd Company, 1408 AH), 222-223.

Ibn-i-`ābidīn, Hāshīatu Radd-il-Muhtār `alā-al-Durr-il-Mukhtār, Kitāb-ul-Haẓr-e-Wal-Ibāha (Bīūt: Dār-o-Ihīā-il-Turāth-il-`arabī, 1998)9: 423-424.

Al-An`ām, 6: 68.

Muslim Bin Hajjāj Al-Qushīrī, Al-Jāmi`-ul-Sahīh, Kitāb-ul-Aīmān, Bāb-o-Baīān-e-Kaūn-il-Nahī-i-`anil Munkar-e- Min-al- Aīmān Wa Ann-al-Aīmāna īazīdu Wa īanqusu Wa Anna-aAmra Bil Ma`rūf-e- Wal Nahī-i-`anil Munkar-e- Wajibān (Turki, Dār-ul-Tabā`at-il-`āmirah, 1334 AH),1:50, Hadith No.49.

Ibn-i-`ābidīn, Hāshīatu Radd-il-Muhtār `alā-al-Durr-il-Mukhtār, Kitāb-ul-Haẓr-e-Wal-Ibāha, 9: 463-464.


Shaīkh Niẓām-ul-Dīn Burhān Purī etc. Al-Fatāūā Al-Hindīah (Bīūt: Dār-o-Ihīā-il-Turāth-il-`arabī, 1846), 6: 103-109.

Ghazālī, Ihīā-o-`ulūm-il-Dīn, Kitāb-o-Aādāb-il-Simā`-i-ūal ūajd, 2: 287-301.

Study the Chapter related Aālāt-e-Maūsīqī form the book Kīmīā-e-Sa`ādat of Ghazālī to study his opinion in this regard in detail.

Muhammad Bin Ismā`īl Bukhārī, Al-Jāmi`-ul-Sahīh, Kitāb-ul-`īdaī, Bāb-ul-Hirābe Wa-al-Darqe īaūm-al-`īd (Damishq: Dār-o-Ibn-e-Kathīr, Dār-ul-īamāmah, 1993 AD-1414 AH), 1: 323, Hadith No. 907.

Muhammad Bin īazīd Ibn-Mājah, Al-Sunan, Kitāb-ul-Zuhd, Bāb-ul-Huzn-e-Wal Bukā̕ (Bīūt:Dār-ul-Kutub-il-`ilmiīah, 1998),2: 1403, Hadith No.4196.

Ghazālī, Ihīā-o-`ulūm-il-Dīn, Al-Bāb-ul-Aūūal Fī-il-Simā`-i-ūal ūajd, 2: 299.

Ghazālī, Ihīā-o-`ulūm-il-Dīn, Kitāb-o-Aādāb-il-Simā`-i-ūal ūajd, 2: 30-306.


`abd-ul-Rahmān Al-Juzaīrī, Kitāb-ul-Fiqh-e-`alā-al-maḍāhib-il-Arba`a, Kitāb-ul-Haẓr-e-Wal-Ibāha (Bīūt: Dār-ul-Fikr, 1995), 2: 43.

`abd-ul-Rahmān Bin `alī Al-Jaūzī, Talbīs-o-Iblīs, Al-Bāb-ul-`āshir Fī Ja`lihī Fī-il-Sūfīat-e-min Jumlat-il-ḍuhhade ḍikr-o- Talbīs-o-Iblīsa Fī-il-Wajd (Bīūt: Dār-ul-Fikr –e-Wa-al-Tabā`ah Wa-al-Nashr, 2001 AD-1421 AH), 223-247.

Al-Anfāl, 8: 35

Sād, 38: 46

Al-Baqarah 2: 60

Shaīkh-ul-Islam Ahmad Ibn-e-Tīmīīah, Majmū`-ul-Fatāūā, Masalah Fī-il-Faqr-e-Wal Tasaūūuf (Al-Qāhirah: Maktabah Ibn-e-Tīmīīah), 11: 531-535.

Bukhārī, Al-Jāmi`-ul-Sahīh, Kitāb-ul-Ashribah, Bāb-Mā Jāa Fī Man īastahill-ul-Khamra Wa īusamīīhi Bighaīr-e-Ismihi, 5: 2123, Hadith No. 5268.

Ibn-e-Tīmīīah, Majmū`-ul-Fatāūā, 11: 535-536.


Luqmān 31: 19

Al-Furqān 25: 63

Ibn-e-Tīmīīah, Majmū`-ul-Fatāūā, 11: 599.

Muhammad īūsuf Kaūkab `umrī, Imām Ibn-e-Tīmīīah (Lahore, Maktabah Rahmānīīah, 1982), 575

`abd-ul-Rahmān Ibn-e-Khuldūn, Al-Muqaddamah, Fī Sana`at-il-Ghinā ̕e (Bīūt: Muassah Jamāl Li Tabā`at-e- wal Nashr), 353-357.


īūsuf Qadhāūī, Al-Halāl o Wal Harām Fī-il-Islam, Al-Raqs-o-Wal Funūn-ul-Jinsiīīah (Bīūt: Al-Maktab-ul-Islāmi Li Tabā`at-e-wal Nashr, 1969), 131.

Bukhārī, Al-Jāmi`-ul-Sahīh, Kitāb-ul-Libās, Bāb o Ikhrāj-il-Mutashabbihina Bil Nisāe Min-al-Baīt, 5: 2207, Hadith No. 5547.

Abū Dāwū Sulīmān Bin Ash`ath Al-Sajistānī, Al-Sunan, Kitāb-ul-Libās, Bāb Fī Libās-il-Nisāe (Bīūt: Al-Maktab-ul-`athrīīah, Saīdā), 4: 60, Hadith No. 4098.

Muhammad Hanīf Nadūī, Asāsīāt-e-Islām (Lahre: Idārah Thiqāfat-e-Islāmī, 1992), 146.

`abd-ul-Rahmān Al-Juzaīrī, Kitāb-ul-Fiqh-e-`alā-al-maḍāhib-il-Arba`a, Al-Juz̕-ul-Thānī, Masāil-il-Ghinā̕, 2: 41-43.

Saīīad Qāsim Mahmood, Shāhkār encyclopedia Pakistanica(Lahore, Al-Fīsal Nāshirān-e-Kutub, 2004), 796.

Muhammad Hanīf Nadūī, Asāsīāt-e-Islām, 148.



How to Cite

Dr. Khawar Mansoor, Dr. Naseem Mahmood Naseem, and Dr. Abdul Aleem. 2023. “رقص کی شرعی حیثیت:فقہاء کے افکار کا مطالعہ: Shariah Rulings about Dance: A Study of Juristic Approaches ”. Al-Qamar, September, 143-54. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.06.03.u11.