اعجاز القرآن پر ایچ ای سی کے منظور شدہ مجلات میں شائع شدہ مقالات کا جائزہ

Review of Articles Published in HEC Approved Journals on Aʻjāz al-Quran


  • Muhammad Naimat Ullah Doctoral Candidate Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Education, Lahore /Librarian, Govt. Mines Labour Welfare Boys Higher Secondary School, Makerwal Mianwali
  • Dr. Shehbaz Shabbir Lecturer, Institute of Islamic Studies, Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Mirpur AJK
  • Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Doctoral Candidate Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University Lahore / SST, WAPDA Inter College Mangla Dam Mirpur AJK




Aʻjāz Qur'an, Dimensions, Terms, Synthesis, Islamic Sciences, Miracles, Quran, Miracles of the Quran, Thought and Science


The topic of "Aʻjāz Qur'an" has also been discussed since the beginning. Although in the early centuries it was mentioned in the theological discourses of the theologians or in the commentaries of the commentators, very soon permanent compilations began to appear on the subject. Therefore, there is no century in which there is no increase in the scientific capital found on the subject of miracles of the Qur'an. The question arises as to how? How to convey the message of Islam to humanity with the help of Quranic sciences? The Holy Qur'an which was revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, just as he ﷺ is a collection of perfections, so the speech revealed to him ﷺ is also a collection of miracles. The Miracle of the Holy Qur'an the Qur'an is called Aʻjāz Qur'an in Islamic terms. The unique and unique ways of reciting the Holy Quran is one of its miracles. The Holy Quran challenged the opponents and deniers of the Holy Quran that if they are true, they should bring similar words or verses.


Imam Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Hanbal 855 AD, Al-Musnad (Beirut: Al-Muktab al-Islami, 1398 AH), 1: 666.

Syed Mohsin Ali Shah, “Ijaz al-Qur'an ki Jahat.” Noor-E-Marifat Quarterly 11, no. 3 (2020): 11-22.

Mohsin, “Ijaz al-Qur'an ki Jahat.” Noor-E-Marifat Quarterly, 14.

Mohsin, “Ijaz al-Qur'an ki Jahat." Noor-E-Marifat Quarterly, 16.

Mohsin, "Ijaz al-Qur'an ki Jahat." Noor-E-Marifat Quarterly, 19-20.

Al-Qasas 28: 31-32.

Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad Ghazali, Ahya Al-Uloom al-Din (Cairo: Maktaba wa Matabata Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi 1939), 1: 112-113.

Maulana Muhammad Idris Kandhalvi, Sirat al-Mustafa PBUH (Karachi: Muzahri Library), 2: 530-531.

Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Husain bin Ali Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra (Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-Ulamiya 1424 AH), 13290.

Al-Ankaboot, 29: 48.

Yaseen, 36: 38.

Al-Hajar, 15: 22.

Muhammad Al-Tahir Ibn Ashur, Tafsir al-Tahrir wal-Tanweer (Tunisia: Al Dar Ul Tunisia Lilnashar, 2008), 1: 128.

Saba, 34: 5.

Al-Nisa, 4: 82.

Al-Ankabut, 29: 20.

Al-An'am, 6: 59.

Al-Dhariyat, 51: 20.

Al-Nazaat, 79: 30.

Fatir, 35: 41.

Al-Zalzalah, 99: 4-5.

Al-Baqarah, 2: 259.

Al-Ra'd, 13: 8.

Al-Sajdah, 32: 5.

Al-Dhariyat, 51: 49.

Yaseen, 36: 36.

Al-Isra, 17: 44.

Al-Nur, 24: 41.

Al-An'am, 6: 125.

Al-Shoora, 42: 29.

Al-Dhariyat, 51: 47.

Al-Hajar, 15: 14-15.

Al-Dahar, 76: 2.

Imam Jilal Ul Din AbuduRehman Bin Abubakar Al-Suyuti 911AH, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur’an (Baruit: Moosast Ul Risalah, 2010), 2: 119.

Imam Abu Isa Muhammad bin Isa Tirmidhi 892 AD, Al-Sunan and Jamia-Tirmidhi (Beirut: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1998), 2926.

Imam Ahmad bin Shoaib Nasa'i 915 AD, Sunan Nasa'i (Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-Ulamiyyah, 1995AD), Another Kind of Zikr after Tashahhud 1312.

Mustafa Sadiq Rafi 1937 AD, Ijaz al-Qur'an and al-Balagha al-Nabawiya (Baruit: Dar Ul Kutab Alelmia, 2000), 213.

Al Takweer, 81: 18.

Imam Jilal Ul Din, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur’an, 2: 47.

Al-Qeyama, 75: 22-25.

Yusuf bin Abi Bakr bin Muhammad bin Ali al-Saqaki (626 AH) Miftah Uloom (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Alamiya, 1987), 221.

Fusilat, 41: 41-42.



How to Cite

Muhammad Naimat Ullah, Dr. Shehbaz Shabbir, and Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah. 2023. “اعجاز القرآن پر ایچ ای سی کے منظور شدہ مجلات میں شائع شدہ مقالات کا جائزہ : Review of Articles Published in HEC Approved Journals on Aʻjāz Al-Quran”. Al-Qamar, November, 39-58. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.06.04.u04.