عبا دات کا میقاتی تصور :سامی ادیان کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ

The Temporal Concept of Worship: A Study in the Context of Semitic Religions


  • Shahid Iqbal MPhil Scholar, Minhaj University, Lahore
  • Muhammad Abubakar MPhil Scholar, Minhaj University, Lahore
  • Muhammad Tahir Raheem MPhil Scholar, Minhaj University, Lahore




Worship, religions, Islam


Worship is an integral part of every religion. Now a days there is not any region in world where worship is not practiced in one way or another. Islam is a natural religion. Everything comes under the cover of Islam including Human Rights, Commands of Allah, human relations and interactions with each other etc. All commands, rights and actions are as per path of nature. However, other religions are lacking such kind of delicate balance of nature in every aspect of life. On one side excess and other side deviation is observed. Some religions consider material things core of life while others completely deny it. Islam kept balance between spirit and body. It commands as per requirement of each part.  It has not refused one part and encouraged other part of it. Such kind of access and deviations are possible in secular systems but not under the Divine Religion of Islam where everything is written on “Tablet of Heaven”. Therefore there are no chances of such kind of error in this divine religion of Islam. He has been given as much importance and priority as he has the right and demand. It is possible for the human mind and free thinking to be completely inclined towards the other side by denying one aspect, but it is absolutely not possible in the divine system of Islam. Because here are the commands of the Creator of the slaves instead of the slaves and like His essence, His commands are also free from all defects.


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( )Muhammad Ahmad Zubari, The Concept of Worship in Islam, pp. 32, 33

( )Exodus, Chapter: 19, Verse: 5

( ) Harry Emerson Fosdick, The Meaning of Prayer, University of Michigan Library, USA, P.55:3, 2009

( ) Collier’s Encyclopedia, Vol: 13, P: 657.2

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( )Genesis, 22:11

( )Genesis, 1:17

)Hebrews, 13:15(

( ) Cannon R. W. F. Witton, Principles and Principles of Christian Worship, pp. 20, 21, Punjab Religions Book Society, Anar Kali, Lahore, 1920.

( )Ephesians, 6:18

( )Jeremiah, 7:2

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( )Acts, 2:1

)Corinthians 16:1-2(

)U. L, 2:12, 13(

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( ) The World Book Encyclopedia, 5: 71, 72

)Quran 21:25(

( )Quran: 19

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( )Karim Bakhsh Malik, Islam and the World's Religions, p: 223, Sheikh Bashir and Sons, Lahore



How to Cite

Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Abubakar, and Muhammad Tahir Raheem. 2023. “عبا دات کا میقاتی تصور :سامی ادیان کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ : The Temporal Concept of Worship: A Study in the Context of Semitic Religions”. Al-Qamar, December, 137-50. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.06.04.u12.