تفسیر سورۃ الأحزاب من المخطوط "إلہام الرحمن" للشیخ عبیداللہ السندي:دراسة وتحقيق
Commentary of Sūrah al-Aḥzāb from the Manuscript “Ilhām al-Raḥmān” by ʻUbaidullāh al-Sindhī: Study and Annotation
Quran commentary, ʻUbaidullāh al-Sindhī, “Ilhām al-Raḥmān”, “Sūrah al-Aḥzāb”Abstract
This article investigates and annotates an Arabic Commentary of “Sūrah al-Aḥzāb” from a Tafsīr manuscript named “Ilhām al-Raḥmān” by ʻUbaidullāh al-Sindhī, a well-known scholar and a political activist of Indian independence movement. “Ilhām al-Raḥmān” was dictated by al-Sindhī to his disciples during his stay in Mecca. I have selected the referred manuscript for study and connotation as no work has been done on this scholarly effort yet. The study finds the relevant exegesis a distinctive interpretation of the Quran in terms of knowledgeable and scientific thought. It relates the issues of real life to the teaching of Quran and authentic prophetic traditions.interpretation, which still exist in the form of manuscript. It is a distinctive interpretation of other interpretations in terms of scientific thought and research, which relates the issues of real life to the teaching of Qur'an and authentic prophetic traditions. Due to importance of this intellectual work, I have selected this topic for my research to highlights the merits and demerits of this unique commentary.
Keywords: Qur'an, interpretation, Ubaidullah Sindhi, Amali,
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