لمحات تاريخية عن الأدب النثري للأطفال عند السوريين

Historical Overviews of Children's Prose Literature for Syrians


  • Mamoona Sadia PhD Scholar, Department of Arabic, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Dr. Azra Parveen Associate Professor of Arabic, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan




Children, Syria, Literature, Critics


The importance of children's literature has increased in today's society. It's critical to a child's development of a positive outlook on life. Many writers from various cultures and languages have contributed to it. The main focus of this study is on Syrian authors' contributions to children's literature. This aims to critically examine children's literature in order to find out what makes it better than other works.


Mustfa, al-Juwanī, Haoul Adab al-Atfāl (Cairo: al-Maʻārif, 1986), 23

Mujalla al-Jundī al-Muslim, 2005, Vol. 120.

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Al-Adab al-Arabi fi al-Asr al-Hadīth, 123. (Dated: June 8, 2020). www.marefa.org

Al-Adab al-Arabi fi al-Asr al-Hadīth, 45.

Taʻima Rushdī, Al Adab ul Atfaal fi al Marhal ti al Ibtidaia (Cairo: Al-Fikr al-Arabī, 2001), 46.

Al-Adab al-Arabi fi al-Asr al-Hadīth, 32.

Taʻima Rushdī, Al Adab ul Atfaal fi al Marhal ti al Ibtidaia, 11.

Saeed Mehmood Shakir, Asāsyyāt fi Adab al-Atfal (Riyadh: Dar al- Merāj, 1993), 11 .

Abu al Maʻāl Abd al-Fattāh, Adab al-Atfāl: Dirāsa wa tatbeeq (Omman: Dār al-Sharq, 1988), 13.



How to Cite

Mamoona Sadia, and Dr. Azra Parveen. 2020. “لمحات تاريخية عن الأدب النثري للأطفال عند السوريين: Historical Overviews of Children’s Prose Literature for Syrians”. Al-Qamar 3 (1):71-78. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.03.01.a08.


