اکابر چشتی نظامی صوفیہ اور موجودہ خانقاہیں: ایک مطالعہ
A Study of Cishtī Nizāmī Sufis and Contemporary Khānqahs
Sufis, Chisthī, effortsAbstract
Allah Almighty has sent His messengers for the guidance of human being who announced the Oneness of Allah in there concerned ages. They made aware the human being of their creator. The series of Anbiyā and the Rasools started from Adam and ended with Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). After prophet Muhammad the responsibility of preaching the shifted on the shoulders of Sahaba, Tāb̒īns and Tab̒ Tāb̒īns. After them Sufis fulfilled the responsibility of preaching of Islam. They performed their duties efficiently and preached Islam to all corners of the world. There are four Silsilas of Sufis which are:(1) :Chishtia, (2) :Qādria, (3):Naqshbandi, (4)Sohervardia. Chishtia is divided into two: Chishtia Nizāmia and Chishtia Sābria. The Sufis of Chishtia Silsila presented themselves in front of people and to attain the love of Allah and the Rasool. They had experienced the difficulties and hardships that other Sufis did not face. They are torch bearer. They spent their lives according to the teaching of the Prophet (ﷺ). If the descendent of the Khanqah’s follow the teaching of the Sufis the people will able to understand the real concept of Tasawwuf and misconceptions about Sufis will vanish away.
Abū Dāwūd Sulaimān Ibn Ashath, Sunan Abū Dāwūd (Qāhirah: Dār ul Riyān al-Turāth, 1408AH),3. Hadith:4254.
Al-Baqarah 2:31.
Al-Ẓāriyāt 51:56.
Al-Imrān 3:191.
Al-Sajdah 32:16.
Al–Furqān 25:64.
Shaikh Abdul Raḥmān, Mirāt ul Isrār(Lahore: Mushtāq book corner, 2000AD), 231.
Khwāja Farīd ud Dīn Attār, Taẓkiraht ul Aoliyā, (Lahore: Al-Fārūq book Foundation, 1997AD),15.
Abdul Raḥmān,Mirāt ul Isrār,247.
Ghulām Sarwar Lahorī, Khazīnat ul Aoliyā (Lahore: Mktabah Nabwiah, 2001AH), 2:20.
Abdul Raḥmān, Mirāt ul Isrār,288.
Shaikh Allāh Dīā, Siyār ul Aqtāb (Tehran: Khiyābān-e-Inqilāb, 1385AH),45.
Abdul Raḥmān, Mirāt ul Isrār,306.
Bhāo ud Dīn Maḥmūd; Shaikh Ngūrī Chishtī, Siyār ul ʻĀrifīn, (Lahore: Allāh wālīn kī qaomī dūkān, 1325AH),66.
Chishtī, Siyār ul ʻĀrifīn, 83.
Chishtī, Siyār ul ʻĀrifīn, 114.
Chishtī, Siyār ul ʻĀrifīn, 116.
Chishtī, Siyār ul ʻĀrifīn, 116.
Allāh Dīā, Siyār ul Aqtāb, 103.
Sayed Muhammad Muslim Nizāmī Dehlwī, Anwār ul Farīd, (Pakptan Sharif: Sūfiāh Dār ul Ashāt, 1394AH),58.
Muhammad Ghausī Shatārī, Gulzār-e-Abrār (Lahore: Maktaba Sultān ʻĀlamgīr, 1427AH) ,49.
Shaikh-e-Muḥqiq Abdul Ḥaq Dehlwī, Akhbār ul Akhbār, (Dehlī: Maktba Mujtbāī, 1309AH),52.
Nizāmī, Anwār ul Farīd,76.
Dehalwī, Akhbār ul Akhbār,53.
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