معاشرے کی تعمير و بقا ميں عورت کا کردار: سيرۃ امہات المؤمنين کی روشنی ميں ایک مطالعہ
Role of woman in Social Development and sustainability: A Study of Sīraḥ of Ūmmahāt al-Mū’minīn
Women, Society, Ūmmahat-ul-Mū’minin, Human developmentAbstract
Women play a very important role in human progress and hold an important place in society. The main responsibility of a woman is to protect mankind and the human race. Women at the same time play the role of partner, wife, mother, administrator, teacher, organizer, director, economist, disciplinarian, artist, and queen in the family. This study aims to reveal the efforts of Ūmmahat-ul-Mū’minin for the development of Society. Their life stories motivate and encourage Muslim women to play their significant role in social development. The development of any society is measured by the degree of cultural and social. A society that cares about women and makes them participate in all the things and duties in the society is undoubtedly very advanced. It is concluded that a society that gives women the respect and deals with them as an integrated human, has reached a stage of human awareness. Women have contributed to society's development and shaped nations' futures. Women have an important role in a variety of industries in the increasingly complex social landscape. They are no longer merely harbingers of peace, but are increasingly becoming a source of strength and a sign of progress.
Al-Tīn, 94:1
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Abd al Malik Ibn Ḥashām, Al-Sīrah-al-Nabwīa-Lī-Ibn-e-Ḥashām (Miṣar: Shirkāt-Maktabaḥ, 1437 AH), 2: 97
al-ʿAsqalani, Al-Ithābah,4:13
Saʿīd Anṣārī,, Sīr Ṣahābiyyāt ma’a uswa-e-Sahābiyāt ( Lāhore: Maktab-e-Islamīyah, 2005), 219.
Anṣārī, Sīr Ṣahābiyyāt, 225
ʿAsqalani, Al-Ithābah, 4:503
Abū Dā’ūd ,Sunan Abū Da’ūd, Hadith # 2692
Muḥammad Iqbāl, Kulyāt-e-Iqbāl (Delhī, Educational Publishing house,n.d), 92.
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