علمِ حدیث میں ڈاکٹر ضیاءالرحمٰن الاعظمی کی خدمات

Contributions of Dr. Zia-ur-Rehman al-Āzmī in Ḥadīth Studies


  • Hafiz Abdul Qahhar Doctoral Candidate Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha, Sargodha
  • Dr. Muhammad Feroz-ud-Din Shah Khagga Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha, Sargodha




Dr. Zia-ur-Rehman Āzmī, Ḥadīth, contributions


Dr. Zia-ur-Rehman Azmi who after acquiring knowledge devoted his entire life to the propagation of religion and performed the duty of service to religion in various ways. Being busy though did not give you much opportunity to work in the practical field of da'wah and preaching But from a scientific and theoretical point of view, the authoritative work that you have done is by no means of less importance. Explaining and inviting his followers is a special theme of some of his writings. To fulfill the purpose of this da'wah, he wrote many books in Arabic, Urdu and Hindi language. We will do our best.


Al-Ṭalᾱq 65: 4.

Imᾱm Idrīs Shᾱfi, Kitᾱb al-Risᾱlah (Karachi: Kitᾱb Qurᾱn Maḥal, 1968 AD), 1: 34.

Muhammad Ẓiyᾱ al-Raḥmᾱn A‘ẓmī, Abū Hurerah Fī ẓau Marwiyᾱthī (Madina: Maktbah al-Ghrubᾱ al-Athriyah, 1418AH), 2: 4.

Al-Naḥal16: 44.

A‘ẓmī, Abū Hurerah Fī ẓau Marwiyᾱthī, 7.

A‘ẓmī, Abū Hurerah Fī ẓau Marwiyᾱthī,9.

A‘ẓmī, Abū Hurerah Fī ẓau Marwiyᾱthī,76.

Dr. Muhammad Ẓiyᾱ al-Raḥmᾱn A‘ẓmī, Aqẓiyt al-Rasūl (Lahore: Mu‘ᾱrf-Islᾱmī, 1987 AD), 17, 18.

A‘ẓmī, Aqẓiyt al-Rasūl, 20.

A‘ẓmī, Al-Ad‘yah al-Mukhtᾱrah, 1.

A‘ẓmī, Juz Fī Ṣalᾱt al-Tarᾱwīḥ, 4.

Imᾱm Abī Bakar Ibn Ḥusain Beḥqī, Sunan al-Kubrᾱ (Lahore: Maktbah Raḥmᾱniya, 2014AD), 1: 44.

Behqī, Sunan al-Kubrᾱ, 1: 44.

Dr. Muhammad Ẓiyᾱ al-Raḥmᾱn A‘ẓmī, Al-Madkhal Ilᾱ al-Sunan al-Kubrᾱ (Beirūt: Dᾱr ibn-e-Ḥazam), 5-15.

Muhammd Ḥayᾱt al-Sudī, Fath al-Ghufūr Fī Waḍ‘ al-Aydī ‘Alᾱ al-Ṣudūr (Madina: Maktbah al-Ghurbᾱ, 1439 AH), 4-7.

Al-Sudī, Fath al-Ghufūr Fī Waḍ‘ al-Aydī ‘Alᾱ al-Ṣudūr, 78.

Al-Sudī, Fath al-Ghufūr Fī Waḍ‘ al-Aydī ‘Alᾱ al-Ṣudūr, 92.

Ḥᾱfiz Abū Bakar Aḥmad Ibn Mūsᾱ Ibn-e-Mardūdiyah, Thalᾱthah Majᾱlish Min Imᾱlī (Al-Amᾱrᾱt al-‘Arbiyah: Dᾱr al-‘ūlūm al-Ḥadīth, 1990AD), 17.

Ibn-e-Mardūdiyah, Thalᾱthah Majᾱlish Min Imᾱlī, 95-98.

Ibn-e-Mardūdiyah, Thalᾱthah Majᾱlish Min Imᾱlī, 17.



How to Cite

Hafiz Abdul Qahhar, and Dr. Muhammad Feroz-ud-Din Shah Khagga. 2022. “علمِ حدیث میں ڈاکٹر ضیاءالرحمٰن الاعظمی کی خدمات : Contributions of Dr. Zia-Ur-Rehman Al-Āzmī in Ḥadīth Studies”. Al-Qamar 5 (1):63-80. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.05.01.u06.


