Kenneth Cragg on Muslim-Christian Relations


  • Dr. Riaz Ahmad PhD Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha, Sargodha/ Assistant Professor Govt. Graduate College Samundri, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Rafiuddin PhD Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha, Sargodha /EST Govt High School Shehniwala Jhang


Kenneth Cragg, parameters, Christianity and Islam, relationship


This era of Muslim-Christian relationship is deeply indebted to such scholars who, from their Christian point of view, have given a fresh air and deeper understanding of Islam. They have advocated the element of love and sympathy in their research. They have illuminated the hidden values and profound meaning of Islamic religion. It means that there is a space for an apology for apologetic thinkers. Kenneth Cragg was one among these soft minded scholars who addressed the Christian world to retake the Muslim world in a way which is acceptable for Muslims. Kenneth Cragg was an Evangelical upbringing Bishop, Missionary and professor.  His field of research was Semitic religions but his main focus was Muslim-Christian relations. He wrote more than sixty books and mostly is on Islam, in which he mostly discussed those matters which are similar in Islam and Christianity, especially according to the Quran and Gospel.  Both the sides accused him, Christian said: that he was giving priority to Quran over New Testament and the Muslim scholars blamed him that he was Christianizing Islam, but he looked sincere to create harmony between Islam and Christianity. In this paper we critically analyze his views about Muslim –Christian relationship.


Al-Hujrat 49:13

Al-Hujrat 49:10

Al-Baqarah 2:213

Al-Kafirun 109:6

Aali Imran 3:64

Al-Ma’idah 5:82

Cragg Kenneth, The Christ and the Faiths: Theology in Cross Reference( London:


Christopher. A Lamb, A policy of Hope: Kenneth Cragg and Islam( London:


Christopher. A Lamb, A policy of Hope: Kenneth Cragg and Islam,1

Cragg, Kenneth, The Call of the Minaret( Oxford: One world,1985), x

Cragg, Kenneth, Hope for Muslim Christian Relation, CMS, No 9 spring 2013

Cragg, The Call of the Minaret,218.

Cragg Kenneth, Sandals at the Mosque: Christian presence amid Islam( London:SCM,


Cragg, Sandals at the Mosque,85

Cragg Kenneth, To meet and to greet: Faith with Faith (London: Epworth,


Cragg Kenneth, The Event of the Quran: Islam in its Scripture ( England: One

world, 2006),20

Cragg, Kenneth, The weight in the word, Prophet hood: Biblical and Quran

(U.K:Sussex Academic press, 1999),18

Cragg, The Christ and The Faiths,12

Cragg, The Weight in the word,14

Cragg Kenneth, Christianity in World perspective (New York: Oxford press,1968),

Cragg Kenneth, Jesus and the Muslim: An Exploration (London: George

Allen & Unwin ,1985,4

Cragg Kenneth, Muhammad in the Quran: The task and the text( London:Melisende, 2001),

Maryam 19:27-33

Al-Anbiya 21:91

Aali Imran 3:42-43

Cragg, Christianity in world perspective,119-20

Cragg Kenneth, The House of Islam( California: Wadsworth Publishing


Cragg, Sandals at the Mosque,74-75

Cragg, The Call of the Minaret,174

Cragg Kenneth, Muhammad and the Christian: A question of response( England: Oxford,


Cragg, The Christ and the Faiths,69

Cragg, The House of Islam,6

Cragg, The Call of the Minaret,206

Al-Nahal 16:125

Cragg, Sandals at the Mosque,20

Cragg, Sandals at the Mosque,20

Cragg, Sandals at the Mosque,20

Cragg, The Call of the Minaret,30

Cragg, Sandals at the Mosque, 74

Al-Baqarah 2:213

Aali Imran 3:64

Aali Imran 3:84

Al-Ankabut 29:46



How to Cite

Dr. Riaz Ahmad, and Dr. Rafiuddin. 2020. “Kenneth Cragg on Muslim-Christian Relations”. Al-Qamar 3 (1):153-70.


