عورتوں کو کتابت سکھانے کی ممانعت کا مسئلہ :حدیث"لاتعلموهن الکتابة" کا مطالعہ

Issue of Prohibition of Teaching Women to Write: A Study of Ḥadīth "لاتعلموهن الکتابة"



Writing, woman, Ḥadīth, analysis


Islam is alleged of forbidding women from learning to write. It is said that a adīth from ʻA’isha says: "Don't teach women to write." This article explores the authenticity and correct context of the mentioned adīth. The gist of this article is that the adīth referred is not worthy of argument regarding the under discussion issue. All the Muaddithīn except Imam Ḥākim agree that this narration is invalid, and Imam Ibn Jawzī has expressed surprise about the negligence of Imam Ḥākim in this regard. Moreover, there are separate adīths on the justification of women learning to write, one of which is narrated from ʻA’isha, who is also the narrator of the under discussion adīth. Imam Balādharī has mentioned from his chain of transmission, the names of five early Muslim women who knew how to write. Many great Muaddithīn and jurists have also explained the legitimacy of teaching women to write.



How to Cite

Dr. Javed Khan, and Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Ahmed. 2020. “عورتوں کو کتابت سکھانے کی ممانعت کا مسئلہ :حدیث"لاتعلموهن الکتابة" کا مطالعہ: Issue of Prohibition of Teaching Women to Write: A Study of Ḥadīth "لاتعلموهن الکتابة"”. Al-Qamar 3 (1):1-10. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/93.


