بین المذاہب مفاہمت کا اسلامی تصور اور اس کا عصری تناظر: مولانا محمد تقی امینی کے فقہی منہج کا خصوصی مطالعہ
Contemporary Concept of Inter Religious Harmony: Analytical Study of Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Amini’s Thought
Amini, thoughts, religions, harmonyAbstract
Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Amini (1926-1991) is considered among the prominent Muslim Jurisprudents of the sub-continent. He has discussed the contemporary problems faced by Islam. The present article on the modern jurisprudential matter is a reflection of his vast study and understanding of facts. The problems which came on the surface in the context of inter-religious harmony and multi-cultural sub-continent require that this serious matter be the subject of discussion and thought. Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Amini has discussed this matter in a fine way which covers all the aspects of this sensitive matter. In the light of his sagacity an ideal society can be formulated in the sub-continent even in the presence of different religions.
Muhammad Taqi Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail (Karachi: Qadeemi kutub Khana), 327.
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,328.
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,332
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,332.
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Qaze Abi Yusuf, Kitab al-Kharaj,72.
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,335.
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Qazee Abi Yusuf, Kitab al-Kharaj,73.
Qasim Bin Salam, Ki tab al-Amwal,, 01:44.
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,340.
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,341-342.
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,342.
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Muhammad Ibn-e-Jarir Al-Tabri, Tarikih al-Umum wal Muluk (Bait al-fakr al-Duliyyah),651.
Amini, Islam Auer Jaded dour kay Masail,340.
Molina Shibli Nominee, Khutbat e Shibli (Pakitan: National Book Foundation1989), 73.
Qazi Abi Yusuf’ Ki tab ul Khiraj,139.
John Begat, Glob, The Life and Times of Mohammed (PBUH), (New York: Stein and Day Publishers, 1970), Chapter XX, The Expansion of Islam as a religion, 387
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